Tuesday 6 February 2024






‘Enlightenment’ is the great ruse of spiritual promises, another great & futile hoax of our dream-dissatisfied-humanity.

Just like religion’s promise of an eternal ‘afterlife’ in heaven if you’ve been a good person on Earth. Just as the material world’s promise that if you make enough money, you will be perpetually happy.

‘Enlightenment,’ spiritual ‘awakening,’ self realization, moksha-liberation, whichever concept and ‘path’ you feel drawn to, is no more or less than one more desperate stab at ending suffering and escaping reality.

I say this with no judgment. Life in the dream-of-separateness seems infinitely challenging. Cave-dwellers had to fight moment-by-moment for their survival. And even now, modern ‘dreamers’ are perpetually anxious, depressed, discontent, sick or at war. Seeking sustained or permanent respite from this is only natural.

The paradox is that Life loves all of it.
Life (substitute Being, God, Consciousness, What Is, Reality, whatever All There Is catch-all you prefer) 
is all of it. And it’s all there is, so naturally, it is perfect.
We could say, Life fully embraces all of it. It knows this is just a dream, a projection of temporary illusions that only 
feel like real birth, real death, real blood, real pain and real conflict to the dream-characters. Just like the so-real-seeming lives, joys and sorrow of the characters on a movie screen.

Life doesn’t just know it is this way, it delights in it! It is Being, being exactly what it is in the dream-of-separateness It’s dreaming, for no reason, happening to no one.

(One of the ways that Life-Being makes sure the dream stays realistic & intact is by giving the dream-characters ‘minds’ that cannot possibly parse this, and a false ‘separate-self’ sense that cannot remember it’s not a ‘separate self,’ but merely Being dreaming.)

So the ‘separate self’ appears to be consumed by worry about its illusory ‘separate’ life and death, and spends all its time trying to find a solution to that which needs no fixing. An all-resolving ‘personal’ goal for no person. Wealth. Accomplishment. Romantic Love. Afterlife promises. This-life ‘enlightenment’ promises.

Never realizing it’s just One, Being, playing all these roles. Being, dreaming of maximum enjoyment of the material world by accruing ‘personal’ wealth. Being, dreaming of a ‘separate’ all—powerful rewarding-&-punishing’ Creator and then dreaming if “we” worship that, we can have eternal life (There’s no ‘separate’ Creator and Life already has eternal Life.)

Being, dreaming of suffering or dissatisfied ‘seekers’ hoping for ’enlightenment.


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