Saturday 3 February 2024

Pain can keep the mind awake



The main characteristic of the Mediterranean diet is that it is mainly plant-based,2469 low in the meat and dairy Dr. Keys considered to be the “major villains in the diet” due to their saturated fat content. Unfortunately, few really eat the traditional Mediterranean diet anymore, even in the Mediterranean. The prevalence of coronary heart disease skyrocketed by an order of magnitude within a few decades in Crete, blamed on the increased consumption of meat and cheese at the expense of plant foods


In Hinduism, Akincanyavada is a vow voluntarily taken to remain without anything, of great ascetic value and a principle of ideal life. Akincana means one who has nothing – he possesses nothing and nothing belongs to him.

To renounce money, refrain from acquiring and preserving all objects of enjoyment and uprooting all earthly attachments, is to be an akincana. According to this theory of akincanyavada, happiness lies not in collecting valuable material articles but in renouncing them. Thus, this theory is similar to vairagya (renunciation), except that it has an extreme emphasis on renouncing material possessions.


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