Tuesday 30 October 2007


///////////////////////Narration Ultimately, in diseases like metabolic syndrome, the body begins to burn protein, even when there are adequate carbohydrates.Professor Stephen J. Simpson That’s going to increase your protein needs, so if you stay on your same diet, you now have to eat even more to get to your new increased requirement for protein which will exacerbate the problem and it snowballs. So, what we’re postulating here is, if you like, a vicious cycle to morbid obesity.Narration Who would have thought, research into what drives the appetite of plagues of locusts, might one day help save western nations from an obesity epidemic.Narration Ultimately, in diseases like metabolic syndrome, the body begins to burn protein, even when there are adequate carbohydrates.Professor Stephen J. Simpson That’s going to increase your protein needs, so if you stay on your same diet, you now have to eat even more to get to your new increased requirement for protein which will exacerbate the problem and it snowballs. So, what we’re postulating here is, if you like, a vicious cycle to morbid obesity.Narration Who would have thought, research into what drives the appetite of plagues of locusts, might one day help save western nations from an obesity epidemic.


//////////////////////////During 1985-1989, in Calcutta Medical College Hospitals, of 152 children of 1-6 year age group admitted with the history of scorpion sting 18 (11.8%) died. Maximum numbers of stings were inflicted in the fingers. Important clinical features recorded were circulatory failure, breathlessness, profuse sweating, vomiting, local oedema and convulsion. Incidences of scorpion stings were much more frequent in the summer and rainy seasons than in the winter season.


////////////////////////////There is no upper limit but after age 70 renewal is necessary every 3 years. ...

///////////////////Will Flaxseed Lower My Cholesterol Levels?
Recent studies have noted a moderate decrease in cholesterol levels in people taking flaxseed. Flaxseed is a whole grain substance that contains high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and lignan, an antioxidant. This product is available at any grocery store or health food store and can be taken as a supplement, sprinkled over cereal, incorporated into your favorite recipes, or ingested as an oil. Although each of the three components mentioned here have been proven to lower LDL cholesterol levels separately, it still does not substitute as an excuse for not following a healthy diet!

////////////////////////SAD and Your Career
For those diagnosed with social anxiety disorder (SAD), the thought of going on job interviews, attending staff meetings, or meeting with clients can bring on feelings of dread and fear. Often this may lead to avoidance of careers that involve a lot of social contact or public speaking. Today I'd like to ask the question -- has this ever been a problem for you? Submit your vote using the poll below and see how others answered the question.

/////////////////////Blood type can confer resistance to malaria
29 October 2007
Debora MacKenzie
Magazine issue 2627
It's no accident of nature that human blood has split into a handful of distinct types: A, B, AB and O. People with type O blood are at less risk of dying from malaria but more vulnerable to cholera and stomach ulcers, suggesting that different diseases put different pressures on how blood evolved.
Malaria has probably killed more people than any other disease in human history. The malaria parasite invades red blood cells, and some malaria strains then snare other uninfected blood cells, forming "rosettes". Blood type can confer resistance to malaria
29 October 2007
Debora MacKenzie
Magazine issue 2627
It's no accident of nature that human blood has split into a handful of distinct types: A, B, AB and O. People with type O blood are at less risk of dying from malaria but more vulnerable to cholera and stomach ulcers, suggesting that different diseases put different pressures on how blood evolved.
Malaria has probably killed more people than any other disease in human history. The malaria parasite invades red blood cells, and some malaria strains then snare other uninfected blood cells, forming "rosettes".

/////////////////Modernity Modernity came into being with the Renaissance. Modernity implies “the progressive economic and administrative rationalization and differentiation of the social world” (Sarup 1993). In essence this term emerged in the context of the development of the capitalist state. Anthropologists have been working towards studying modern times, but have now gone past that. The fundamental act of modernity is to question the foundations of past knowledge.
Postmodernity Logically postmodernism literally means “after modernity. It refers to the incipient or actual dissolution of those social forms associated with modernity" (Sarup 1993).


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