Friday 5 October 2007


/////////////Choosing the Right Size"A very alarming statistic released by the Centersfor Disease Control and Prevention said women areeating 22 percent more calories than they were 30years ago. That figures out to be about 335calories more each and every day. Wow!We live in the world of Super size everything. Thearticle went on to say that a 2002 study by NewYork University showed portion sizes at populartakeout, fast food and family type restaurantsservings were from 195% to 700% larger than aserving size recommended by U.S. Department ofAgriculture. (USDA)The biggest increases in size were in steak at224% larger, muffins 333% larger, pasta 480%larger and biggest percentage of all wascookies... 700%Unreal! No wonder we are having such a difficulttime controlling our weight as well as that of ourchildren. A recommended portion of steak is 3 oz.The oversize portion is 8 oz. The caloriedifference is 375 and if eaten once a week for ayear that is equal to five and one half poundsweight gain in a year.One ounce of cold cereal is a serving size. Doublethat and eat 2 ounces three times a week for ayear and add another 5 pounds of extra weight.I know that I harp on reading labels and beingcareful about portion sizes, but all of theselittle things can add up to be big things over theyear. A lot of the restaurants have nutritionvalues that you can find on the internet beforeyou go out to eat. Why not check them out and makeyour choices before you go out.Remember all of the visuals about portion sizes...such as a computer mouse for a serving of meat,ice cream serving is the size of two golf ballsand butter is two half-dollar coins stacked on topof each other.Another tip is to order the child size at fastfood restaurants. They are closer in size to whatyou need to have. Have some of Lillie's SouperSoup before you go to help curb your appetite sothe Super size will not be a temptation.Share an entree' or dessert. Ask for the doggiebag at the first of the meal and get it out ofsight before you are tempted to overeat.Thankfully, some of the restaurants are trying toget rid of the Super size portions. Here's to slimming down and feeling great!Lillie

//////////////////// "Suppress Your Appetite and Cravings"We received an interesting testimonial aboutdrinking Chai to help those urgings to "snack."This person said that she had the Chai afterdinner to avoid diving into a "bag chips or achocolate sundae." She felt satisfied and hercravings disappeared after drinking the Chai.For those who are not familiar with Chai(pronounced as a single syllable and rhymes with'pie',) it is the word for tea in many parts ofthe world. Chai is a centuries-old beverage thathas played an important role in many cultures.Chai from India is a spiced milk tea that hasbecome increasingly popular throughout the world.It is generally made up of rich black tea, milk, acombination of various spices, and of sweeteners.There are commercial versions such as CelestialTea, that has a Chai tea bag.According to Audrey Cross, PH.D., nutritionist atRutgers University in New Jersey, Chai suppressesyour appetite and cravings because the cinnamon inChai increases glucose metabolism... preventingthe blood sugar dips that cause cravings.Also, the spices have a warming effect that ispsychologically comforting and makes you lesslikely to emotionally overeat like so many of usdo.Be careful when choosing a Chai drink at some ofthe popular "Coffee Houses" as some of the ChaiLatte's are very high calorie.If you already use Chai on a regular basis, wewould love to hear from you about the results youhave obtained with it.Here's to slimming down and feeling great!Lillie


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