Sunday 14 October 2007


/////////////////Research at Exeter and Brunel universities has shown that walking alone is insufficient to maximise chances of a long and healthy life. In Preventive Medicine the scientists recommend that vigorous exercise should be included in advice to help people stay fit.

/////////////////////////////Moping” has many modern forms: idle television consumption, World of Warcraft, surfing the internet. There’s nothing wrong with doing things for pleasure on occasion, but I agree that everyone can profit from a productive hobby. The film points out that better use of leisure time offers three advantages:
It’s a pleasant change from work. Some people have jobs they love, but most of us just tolerate work at best. A productive hobby can provide a sense of accomplishment while being enjoyable.
It improves the body and mind. Whether you build a cabinet, knit a sweater, or write a blog entry, a productive hobby can help keep your mind sharp. Hiking or biking are great ways to stay physically fit.
It provides long-range goals. In the film, Ken’s father plans to build furniture for his entire house. My wife likes to can fruits and vegetables, giving us inexpensive and healthy food year-round.


/////////////////////////Buy A Smaller Car
Great tip… except you already have a car. It’s a great tip on paper, buy a smaller car and you will use less gasoline both today and in the future. It ignores one important fact though: it’s hard to sell a car and then buy a new one. In fact, buying a car is regarded as one of the more stressful decision processes a human being can enter into (second to probably buying a house and getting married, this is of course a statistic I made up but you’ll probably agree with me) and it’s not something that happens trivially. If you could swap your gas guzzler for a svelte gas sipper I’m sure you would, but it’s not as simple as that. This is like suggesting you trade in your wife or husband to someone more attentive or more attractive. Seems good on paper until you try to do it. This is probably the most ridiculous tip.


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