Friday 28 March 2008


//////////////////////He who is afraid to ask is ashamed of learning.-- Danish Proverb He who never made a mistake never made a discovery.-- Samuel Smiles

////////////////////////Learn to Be Mar. 28, 2008*************************University of Wisconsin-Madisonscientists says imaging technologyshows that people who practicemeditation that focuses on kindnessand compassion actually undergochanges in areas of the brain thatmake them more in tune to whatothers are feeling....

/////////////////////Read books not TV watches.Read books, magazines or anything that interests an insomniac instead of watching television. Television enhances attention, which makes a person awake. Reading on the other hand while in bed causes the eye to get tired and creates a sleepy feeling.

///////////////////Bhagavad Gita Selection Number 280, for Friday, March 28, 2008From Chapter XIII: The Yoga of the Division Between the Field and the Knower of the FieldXIII.3. KSHETRAJNAM CHAAPI MAAM VIDDHI SARVAKSHETRESHU BHAARATA; KSHETRAKSHETRAJNAYOR JNAANAM YATTAT JNAANAM MATAM MAMA. (Krishna speaking to Arjuna)Do thou also know Me as the Knower of the Field in all fields, OArjuna! Knowledge of both the Field and the Knower of the Field isconsidered by Me to be the knowledge. XIII.4. TAT KSHETRAM YACCHA YAADRIK CHA YADVIKAARI YATASHCHA YAT; SA CHA YO YATPRABHAAVASHCHA TATSAMAASENA ME SHRINU. What the Field is and of what nature, what its modifications areand whence it is, and also who He is and what His powers are-hearall that from Me in brief.



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