Thursday 4 April 2013

5:2 IF DT= onward and downward

///////////////The five days are for you to enjoy and eat/drink normally (within reason!). Most people who are losing weight seem to set their maintenance calories on their five days so their weekly deficit just comes from the two fasting days.

//////////////....... a bit apprehensive as I feel hungry right now and the thought of not eating for 20+ hours doesn't fill me with happiness

//////////////..........Feed day, 1800-2245 calories
Meal 1 abt 12.00,
Meal 2 abt 17.00,
Meal 3 abt 20.00
Fast day 500 calories
1 Meal 19.30/20.00
I am trying extremely hard not to snack, as this is my major downfall.
I will also try to get to the point where I will finish my meal on a feed day and leave a complete 24 hours, before having my Fast meal.

////////////////////1 CUCUMBER= 30 CALS

////////////////////FELT FUZZY AM=I didn't have a headach in the morning!! I did have a small one after 5pm. I felt like I had energy, but I also had a couple of nausea spells during this 24hrs. I started after 830pm last night and fasted until after 8:30pm tonight. I didn't eat anything though, I drank water lots of it, and herbal tea and I didn't use any sweetner!! yipppeee for me. It was rough at first drinking the herbal tea wih no fake sugar but i did it!

/////////////////////This often happens on fast days. I wake up in the middle of the night starving. I've never been a midnight snacker and I don't give into the craving but it's an inconvenient side effect of this diet. I will get a glass of milk or something to tide me over.

The funny thing is, when I actually " wake "up around 7 I'm not hungry anymore?

//////////////////////...........My 3rd Fast was yesterday, but the last two I have started AFTER dinner around 6-7 pm and then gone til the same time the next evening with either nothing to eat or only 250 cal for the whole 24 hours. I find it works for me since I go to bed early and start work @ 4am. By the time I get off at noon I,ve already fasted 18 hours and if I take a nap when I get home the 24 hours goes by pretty easily.

///////////////////////SUGAR FREE CHEWING GUM= XYLITOL

///////////////////////.......a recent survey found that the average working Briton spends £7.81 a day on lunch, drinks and snacks. Since these are the very things you sacrifice on a Fast Day, your saving in a week could be around £15. That’s £60 in a month

////////////////////////// hence most of us choose 0 cal drinks where possible – water, black tea, black coffee, fruit tea etc.

//////////////////////////// I find the fast easy – I get hungry from 10:30 until 1 pm, then not.

//////////////////////I only do soups for my fast days they fill me up and they are easy!

///////////////////////////Some people find it hard to sleep when they are hungry and for them a 7pm to 7pm method might be easier. That way you never go to bed hungry. Again weight loss will be slower

/////////////////////////.............I also can’t sleep on an empty stomach so I save 150-180 calories for a late night snack - usually 500g of melon.

///////////////////////////There are 68 calories in 20 Pistachio Nuts.

////////////////////////Going to bed hungry = max fat loss overnight & wake not hungry.

///////////////////////////////////We fast on 3 days (Mon/Wed/Fri)and find this regime suits us. We’re both vegetarians, so our 500 calories go a long way on the fast days.

/////////////////////////my first day 11pm to 11pm…
went to bed with my little tot of whisky before 11 and read for an hour …fasted until 11.30 a.m and had early lunch…only needed a 62 calorie soup! A ryvita with marmite at 1.30 then dinner at 6 -chiili cone carne with salad at just under 300 calls then just before 11pm a 75 cal yogurt to see me through the night.

Cramps in my legs?

////////////////////////////The first week was hard and I didn’t feel too great but the second week much easier.

//////////////////////Remember, that of all the elements that comprise a human being, the most important, the most essential, the one that will sustain, transcend, overcome and vanquish obstacles is - spirit! ~ Buddy Ebsen



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