Tuesday 9 April 2013


/////////////////, more togetherness and physical proximity across the generations allows the development of more prosocial behavior. "The clustering of friendly agents, which promotes other-regarding preferences, is not supported when offspring move away." They also argue that networking via social media can promote niceness, which might surprise regular users of Twitter.

/////////////////t is futile to ask whether people are naturally cooperative or selfish. They can be either, in different circumstances.

////////////Most evolutionists now accept that kindness might be just as ancient and innate as selfishness. But it's also clearly conditional: People tend to cooperate with relatives and frequently encountered acquaintances, not indiscriminately.

//////////////////But clapping was formalized -- in Western culture, at least -- in the theater. "Plaudits" (the word comes from the Latin "to strike," and also "to explode") were the common way of ending a play.

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