Tuesday 9 April 2013


////////////////Submission to God's /GON'Swill is the softest pillow on which to rest.--Unknown


SCIAM=A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for something that can actually be tested. But "if you just ask anyone what a hypothesis is, they just immediately say 'educated guess,'" Allain said.

///////////THEORY=Part of the problem is that the word "theory" means something very different in lay language than it does in science: A scientific theory is an explanation of some aspect of the natural world that has been substantiated through repeated experiments or testing. But to the average Jane or Joe, a theory is just an idea that lives in someone's head, rather than an explanation rooted in experiment and testing.

///////////Simply denying mainstream science based on flimsy, invalid and too-often agenda-driven critiques of science is not skepticism at all. It is contrarianism ... or denial," Mann told LiveScience.

Instead, true skeptics are open to scientific evidence and are willing to evenly assess it.
"All scientists should be skeptics. True skepticism is, as [Carl] Sagan described it, the 'self-correcting machinery' of science," Mann said.

///////////////NTR VS NRTR=Genes may influence human beings, but so, too, do epigenetic changes. These modifications alter which genes get turned on, and are both heritable and easily influenced by the environment. The environment that shapes human behavior can be anything from the chemicals a fetus is exposed to in the womb to the block a person grew up on to the type of food they ate as a child, Kruger said. All these factors interact in a messy, unpredictable way.

///////////////SIGNIFICANT=n statistics, something is significant if a difference is unlikely to be due to random chance. But that may not translate into a meaningful difference, in, say, headache symptoms or IQ.

//////////////////substantiated educated guesses". OR FACTS

//////////////////////Commercial jets pump out some 700 million tons of CO2 a year—about two percent of global emissions.


///////////////////hardest science of all: physics

///////////////////Even when fortified by the latest findings from neuroscience, genetics, and other fields, social science will never approach the precision and predictive power of the hard sciences. Physics addresses phenomena—electrons, elements, electromagnetism, the nuclear forces, gravity—that are relatively simple, stable and amenable to precise mathematical definition. Gravity works in exactly the same way whether you measure it in 17th-century England or 21st-century America, in Zambia or on Alpha Centauri. Every neutron is identical to every other neutron.

////////////////////////// Clifford Geertz once wrote, social scientists can construct only “hindsight accounts of the connectedness of things that seem to have happened: pieced-together patternings, after the fact.”

////////////////////////////SLF ANGR SCORE 15/34=
You are calm more often than not, but you still have your moments and you are not always as composed as you would like to be.  You may really hate conflict and seek to avoid it. Unfortunately this means issues affect you more than they do others, which is unfair.  You could find better ways to  express your feelings and avoid some of the discomfort in your relationships at home and at work.
Dealing with conflict is part of life and cannot be avoided, but there are some healthy ways to deal with them.  If you want know more about how life can be less of a battle, call us for a chat

Anticipatory grief is what is naturally experienced upon learning that an ill loved one’s death is approaching. Friends and family members are not the only ones to begin grieving after being informed of a fatal diagnosis, as the dying individual will usually feel anticipatory grief, as well. Although the person is still alive during this period, the grieving process begins early and tends to have its own distinct phases.
After receiving news of her or his inevitable demise, a dying person is likely to become depressed. This depression is not solely based on sorrow for one’s self, but is often expressed as remorse for not being able to protect loved ones from the loss they will soon experience. As there are many stages and types of grief, some will experience feelings of helplessness at not being able to protect loved ones from the pain of loss, as well as feelings of guilt, regret and sadness.
Every individual grieves differently and for different lengths of time. There are, however, common stages one will experience with anticipatory grief. In the beginning stages, family members will often experience depression combined with intense concern for their sick loved one. Some may even experience feelings of regret for past issues within their relationship with the dying person.



////////////////////////DTHING= PALLT WTH MRPHN= DPWM

/////////////////////////"If there is anything unique about the human animal it is that it has the ability to grow knowledge at an accelerating rate while being chronically incapable of learning from experience" — John Gray

//////////////////////SILENCED MJRTY BY CRPRT MDIA

//////////////////////ON DTH LIST 50-80

/////////////////////////CTRL YRSELF- THE FINAL FRONTIER

////////////////////////////CLUTTER TOLERANCE


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