Sunday 24 January 2021







Pretty much all of the spiritual community is at least familiar with the law of attraction and that we primarily attract to us a reflection of what and who we are and not always what we want and desire.

While law of attraction practices certainly do work and are quiet powerful, it is a bit outdated and there is something way more important than just ‘faking it till you make it’ that I see often being overlooked.

And that is our core vibration.

Our core or dominant vibration is the real and authentic self. It determines how we feel, the thoughts we have day to day, the attitudes we have, what people and experiences we attract to us and the overall quality of our lives, careers, finances and relationships.

Below I am sharing two versions of the popular ‘Hawkins Scale of Human Consciousness’ which showcases all the core vibrations and the levels of consciousness which range from the numbers 20 to 700 and above (20 being the lowest level and 700+ the highest level one can achieve).

There are 17 levels in total and each one of us is on one of those levels right now or in a more spiritual manner, radiating at a frequency from 20 to 700.

To the right in the first picture, you have a scale which lists what we experience on each level.

When our core vibration ranges from shame to fear, inaction and stagnation will be what we experience the most. Those experiences may manifest as a fear of getting rejected and thus never approaching the people you feel attracted to, as a belief that you are not good enough and thus never pursue your passion, dreams and goals or as laziness.

Now imagine you try to manifest a lover from this level of consciousness. You may indeed manage to attract a lover to you and manifest a relationship but since your core vibration is shame, guilt, apathy, grief or fear, that lover and the quality of that relationship is going to reflect that back to you by them being needy, abusive, not trustworthy or insecure and manipulative.

In order for you to attract a lover that is secure in themselves, loving, compassionate, caring and simply amazing, you have to do more than just practice law of attraction techniques. You first have to become aware of the core frequency you are operating on and how you really feel inside.

So if your frequency is at 75 (grief and inaction/stagnation, possibly caused by the sudden loss of a family member or due to a so far unprocessed breakup/divorce), in order to attract a lover that is compassionate and loving, you have to raise your vibration/frequency to at least 200 (courage and feeling happy as well as being productive).

You may do this by first identifying and eliminating self-limiting beliefs and self-doubt by replacing them with self empowering beliefs and confidence/trust in yourself. You can start to transform your habits and mindsets to ones that are supporting and which ensure you are productive. This process often takes some time and a lot of introspection but the effort is totally worth it.

Meditation and self-hypnosis is the best way to getting started with that.

Once all this sets, you will radiate at 200 (courage) and attract partners to you that are compassionate and loving.

In future posts I go a little deeper into this topic on how to increase your core vibration.

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