Saturday 30 January 2021




Hearing loss that often accompanies aging makes it more difficult to distinguish speech in a noisy environment. Because hearing then requires more concentration than usual, even mild loss of the ability to focus can affect speech comprehension.

Most people start to notice changes as they enter their 50s and 60s. Although these changes can cause consternation, most age-related memory and thinking problems don't stem from an underlying brain disease such as Alzheimer's disease. Instead, what appears to be a memory problem may simply reflect a slower processing speed and poor encoding and retrieval of new memories as a result of diminished attention. However, even though your brain may be slower to learn and recall new information, your ability to make sense of what you know and to form reasonable arguments and judgments remains intact.


ENL -That’s right. After you’ve finally finished being a collector of experiences, ceased coveting and playing around with all those ‘high states’ and samadhis, and finally given all that up…you discover that you’ve come right back to your natural state. Just You. Just Being.


It’s never too late to do nothing.

- Zen saying

The fact that you appreciate oneness is good.

It might help you try something that otherwise wouldn’t have occurred to you:


I don’t mean you must literally do nothing.

I mean you don’t have to fix what ain’t broken.

Oneness means you are That which alone is and has always been.

Non-duality is based on the understanding that there’s nothing wrong with You.

What could be wrong?

Problem-mind is the one who sees problems.

The solution to these problems is to cease to activate problem-mind.

This is the conclusion I eventually came to, which I’d like to share, in case it’s helpful:

The answer (silence) has nothing to do with the question (mental affliction).

Our insistence that the answer must confirm the question is the cause of the apparent delay.


This is how the “path” goes:

You looked everywhere for the answer but you couldn’t find it anywhere.

Occasionally, things fell together and you thought you were on the right path.

Then it all fell apart for one reason or another.

You followed every scrap of advice and tried everything under the sun.

One day, you realized there is one place you didn’t look.

Everything happens outside you.

Like a Greek chorus, your thoughts comment on the show.

There are two directions, and you’ve only looked in one of them.

You turned your attention out there.

To find the answer, look within.

It’s not a corny cliche.

The answer really is inside you.

Turn toward the One who looks.

The way to know the One is just to be it.

Without movement, without action, without thought, without concept, without sensation, without image, without mind.

The One is being, but beyond being.

It’s consciousness, but beyond consciousness.

Who can explain it?

Explanations disappear into the One.


you are not inside the body. The body is “inside” of You, as YOU, one total Being.


The main science behind Kundalini is simple … Our bodies are made of 4 main elements (oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen) which amount to over 95% of a human body, plus small amounts of Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, sulfur, etc. All this elements of the body are borrowed by a soul from the planet in order to get an instrument (a body) to experiment life around and gather experiences. When the body is worn out after 70-80 years of life the soul discards the body (death) and leaves for another life, taking with him the experiences/lessons gathered to the next life.

In order to maintain the body for so long one needs lots of energy to sustain life, energy that comes partially through eating and drinking, but also more important directly from the planet through the energy she emits to all that lives on Her body including humans. The channel for this type of life-sustaining energy is through our feet soles and upwards through the feet where they join in C1 (chakra 1, root chakra) and feed the reservoir of energy there. This energy lifeline between the planet and human bodies has to work permanently and without fail or death occurs quickly. This root-energy in C1 is what yoga calls kundalini, which in fact is the life energy from Mother Earth that keeps all our bodies alive. Our kundalini in C1 is actually a very small part of Earth’s life-energy that mirrors Mother Earth in our bodies, a projection of Her in our bodies.

In an ideal case the kundalini energy goes up the spine through all chakras (increasing its vibration along the way) without obstacles and feeding the body organs around, and arriving in C7 (crown chakra) unites with cosmos energy that comes from above. Of course that this doesn’t happen in the ordinary 3D human bodies where chakras are clogged and kundalini can’t go up. Things are actually a bit more complicated since there are two different energy circuits in parallel, first the kundalini circuit that goes up the spine, and there is a second circuit of energy that comes from the sun and cosmic energy through C7 and goes down to C1 through a parallel circuit than through the chakras, but I wanted to keep the discussion limited to the question.

The result means actually that Mother Earth’s energy goes up the spine and eventually merge with the sun and cosmic energy in C7, hence our body becomes ideally a physical conduit for Earth’s energy that merges with the higher cosmic energies throughout our body. For this to happen one has to become “enlightened”, that is maintain his chakras open and clean of any 3D energies that clog the chakras like fears, worries, anxiety, agitation, envy etc; only then one can be united with the rest of Creation.

The ancient Hindu religious term for Earth’s energy was “kundalini Shakti”, and was written in sacred texts that it’s destined to rise through shushumna channel until it unites with god Shiva in 6th chakra (representing actually the cosmic energy), is exactly what I explained you above in modern terms.

A true spiritual will work all his life to unclog his chakras and make kundalini find its way up.


My doctor asked me recently if I ever feel like I’m engulfed in flames.

“Yes,” I said, after thinking about it.
“But not in a bad way.”

Doctors apparently do routine checks for hot flashes.

If you have a meditation practice, sensations that would ordinarily overwhelm and consume you will start to feel natural and pleasant.

Meditation increases pain tolerance and reduces reactive emotions.

It doesn’t matter how you feel when you meditate - you’ll get the benefits anyway.

During meditation, you might feel any number of sensations.

Not reacting to them immediately provides a priceless opportunity to notice they can’t actually consume you.

These feelings are like the monster under the bed.

It seems all-powerful when you run from it.

When you turn toward it, you will see it is only a shadow.


What Did Representatives of Other Indian Religions Say at the Chicago Conference

The Chicago conference of 1893. (Source: Parliament of World's Religions)

The Chicago conference of 1893. (Source: Parliament of World's Religions)

The 'Parliament of World's Religions' in 1893 was a remarkable event for the number and variety of faiths represented for the first time, at one place.

New Delhi: It was the first global seminar on religion. The 'Parliament of World's Religions' in 1893 was a remarkable event not just for the number and variety of faiths represented for the first time, at one place. While it was known to be the event in which Swami Vivekananda shined, it also saw theologians from Islam, Bahai, Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Brahmo Samaj and several other faiths come together and lay the foundation for an inter-faith exchange of ideas.

The conference that was happening in Chicago was also the place where Swami Vivekananda, representing the Hindu religion, made his famous speech of 1893.

Clippings from newspaper reports covering the event are a somber reminder of what the world's religious leaders discussed gathered at one place.


One of paper cutouts refers to a lawyer from Muzaffargarh in India, called Jinda Ram.

One of these clippings write about a message of hope from one 'Miss Sorajbee from Bombay'. A message from a woman praying for a better future for all women in India and America.

'Miss Sorajbee' had said, “The Christian women from my land... give the women of America our love... tell the women of America that we're fast being educated. We shall one day be able to stand by them and converse with them and be able to delight in all they delight in."


One of the clippings about Ms Sorabjee's message from India.

Another 'Mr Nagarkar from Bombay', wrote hoping for a possibility of harmony between the East and the West, "a wedding between the Orient and the Occident."


A clipping about Mr Nagarkar's message on harmony.

H Dharmapala from India, a representative of Buddhism, wished for peace among the various faiths. "Go to Japan and what do you see? The noblest lesson of tolerance and gentleness. Go to Brahma and what do you see? The lesson of tolerance and mildness... the twentieth century will see the pages open up upon a new era of gentleness and kindness."


H Dharmapala's peace message in one of the cutouts.

And there was also, of course, the famous speech made by our very own Swami Vivekananda. This is how one of the newspapers reported it:

'The bell that tolled this morning in honour of the representatives of the different religions of the earth, in this parliament assembled, is the death-knell to all fanaticism [applause], that it is the death-knell to all persecution with the sword or the pen, and to all uncharitable feelings between brethren wending their way to the same goal, but through different ways. [Applause].'


A newspaper mention of Swami Vivekananda's speech at the Chicago conference.

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