Wednesday 7 December 2022





 Joseph Campbell:

"The first step to the knowledge of the wonder and mystery of life is the recognition of the monstrous nature of the earthly human realm as well as its glory, the realization that this is just how it is and that it cannot and will not be changed. Those who think they know how the universe could have been had they created it, without pain, without sorrow, without time, without death, are unfit for illumination."

"We’re in a freefall into future. We don’t know where we’re going. Things are changing so fast, and always when you’re going through a long tunnel, anxiety comes along. And all you have to do to transform your hell into a paradise is to turn your fall into a voluntary act. It’s a very interesting shift of perspective and that’s all it is… joyful participation in the sorrows and everything changes."


“There is 1 chance in 140 trillion that the Earth should exist. There is 1 chance in 795 billion that life should have evolved on earth. There is 1 chance in 89 billion that life should have evolved into mankind. There is 1 chance in 12 billion that mankind should have created the alphabet and thus civilization. There is 1 chance in 6 billion that your parents should ever have met and got together. There is 1 chance in 90 million that you should have been the lucky sperm that fertilized your mother’s egg…”

— Ben Carey



So coming back from a journey, or after an illness, before habits had spun themselves across the surface, one felt that same unreality, which was so startling; felt something emerge. Life was most vivid then.



Are you arrogant? Respect is essential!

“Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.”  - Buddha

If you have a diamond, don't keep it in a plastic bag. You must have a wrapping equal to its preciousness. This is respect. You must be humble to all beings. If you are not, you are arrogant.

Everybody is arrogant at first. 

No one is humble. It is not your fault. The ego is arrogance, and this serpent has bitten all the beings of the world. All are arrogant, even gods.

If you feel you are arrogant, Satsang is the place to remove it. It is very simple. The foundation of arrogance is the thought “I am the body.” “This is mine, and I want that.” “I belong to this.” “This belongs to me.” "*This was done by me". All these thoughts display arrogance.

Most human beings are involved in this arrogance. That is why Satsang cannot work for them. When you are arrogant, you conceal your own Self-nature of beauty, bliss, and freedom. You can't have peace when you are arrogant. If you are truly ready to get rid of arrogance, come to Satsang, approach a teacher very humbly, and ask, “Sir, how to remove the arrogance?” Even to say, “I am arrogant,” is humility itself.

Who says, “I am arrogant,” first of all? Have you ever heard anyone say, “I am arrogant”? Everyone says, “You are arrogant.”

When you are arrogant, peace and bliss are hidden. When you realize peace and bliss, arrogance hides. So fall in love with peace. Find out who you really are, and arrogance will be removed. You will meet your divine nature itself, here and now. Don't stir a thought! Don't make any effort and there is no arrogance.

If you pick up a thought, “I have done that, and this belongs to me. Tomorrow I will have . . .” —all these thoughts are arrogance! Nothing is in your hand. Incessantly inquire, “Who am I?” Keep your mind here. What you think, so you are now. What your thought is, so your being is. 

If your thought is empty, there is no reason for the next birth.

- sri Poonjaji


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