Wednesday 27 September 2023


"Creativity is born from anguish as day is born from night. It is in the crisis that inventiveness, discoveries and great strategies arise. Those who overcome the crisis overcome themselves without being 'overcome'. Those who attribute their failures and difficulties, violates his own talent and gives more value to problems than to solutions. The real crisis is the crisis of incompetence. The drawback of people and nations is the laziness in seeking solutions and ways out. Without crisis there are no challenges, without challenges life is a routine, a slow agony. Without crisis there is no merit. It is in the crisis that the best of everyone emerges, because without crisis all the winds are just light breezes. crisis means increase it, and to remain silent in the crisis is to glorify conformism. Instead, let's work hard. Let's put an end to the only dangerous crisis once and for all, which is the tragedy of not wanting to fight to overcome it."

Taken from “The World As I See It” 1931 by Albert Einstein

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