Wednesday 27 September 2023


The loudest noise ever recorded was the eruption of the volcano Krakatoa in 1883. The sound traveled around the world multiple times

“After about 5 minutes, the scientist returned, and told the participant that the next step in the study was something completely unrelated: it was a test of problem-solving ability. What the participants weren’t told was that the problem couldn’t be solved. The question was, how long would each participant persevere at this impossible task?
The participants who had been allowed to eat cookies worked on the problem for about 19 minutes. The ones who had been only allowed to eat radishes, those who had to exert self-control to counteract their desire for cookies, persisted at the task for only 8 minutes—less than half the time—before they gave up. The researchers concluded, “Resisting temptation seems to have produced a psychic cost, in the sense that afterward participants were more inclined to give up”

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