Friday 19 April 2024











Yes, reincarnation is real, and you can assume that you have been reincarnated, as spirits of only about seven percent of the current population of planet Earth are in their first lifetime.

There are a number of misconceptions about reincarnation, including that:

  1. It is the person who reincarnates — rather, it is the spirit who attaches to a series of physical lifetimes, with significant experiences from each one becoming a part of their permanent identity.
  2. Humans might reincarnate as animals — the spirits who attach to human lifetimes are of a different type than those who attach to animals; they require that a lifeform be able to reason and make informed choices.
  3. It is based on karma — it is true that if a lesson is not learned when the conditions are present, that lesson will have to be selected in a future lifetime, but negative events in one lifetime are not based on the actions of a previous one.
  4. Lifetimes can number in the thousands or millions — the lessons of the physical world take approximately 80 to 120 lifetimes to learn. Most spirits will later return a few more times.
  5. A lifetime starts immediately after the previous one finishes — the soonest possible would be about a year later, but the most common gap is about five or six decades of Earth time.
  6. The same spirits return again and again in the same family/friend groups — there will always be several spirits who are known to your spirit, and usually at least one in your immediate family, but these change with each lifetime. In some lifetimes, all members of a human family will belong to the same spiritual family, but this is not true for most. If spirits have shared previous lifetimes, then they will recognize each other, and this is felt by some humans as a feeling of having known the other person before.

My sources are two spirits who spoke to me through another person (not channeled). More about them can be found in my profile.



95%, maybe 98%, of people who say they want to become ‘spiritually enlightened’ are just looking to escape pain, and, through something they read or heard, have formed the commonly-misguided belief that becoming ‘spiritually enlightened’ will do that for them.

A tiny fraction can feel or ‘sense’ this is the dream, sometimes from a very early age (I ‘saw’ this, without a doubt, at 5 years,) and feel an irresistible calling to see through the illusion and experience the true reality as it really is.

In the dream (of separateness) it’s definitely not normal, and it sure as hell is not ‘possible’ to become that, i.e., to ‘cause’ it or make it happen.

But it may happen. To ‘no one.’

If “you” have already had a ‘glimpse’ of the irrefutable dream-nature of what most dream-characters consider ‘normal reality,’ it definitely seems to force the issue and seal “your” fate of an eventual, inevitable full ego-collapse.


Rig Veda (10.191.2) states,

"Do not harm our boys, nor our girls, nor our cows, nor our horses. Do not harm our lives, nor our bodies, nor our lives."

The Katha Upanishad (1.3.14) too elucidates on the consequences of taking one's own life, stating,


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