Wednesday 20 February 2008


///////////////////////Neonatal Weight Benefit From Antenatal Vitamins Sustained Into Third Year of Life Offspring of mothers given multivitamin and mineral supplements during pregnancy weigh more at birth than their counterparts, and remain larger into their third year of life, according to a follow-up study conducted in Nepal.

///////////////////////JLSY CRSS-YANBG

///////////////////////////RETROSPECTACLE=Does the demographic transition have a biological cause?
Posted: 20 Feb 2008 09:25 AM CST
The demographic transition -- the tendency for richer societies to have fewer rather than more children -- is, I think, most often attributed to social causes. For a variety of reasons -- because each child costs more, because they are more likely to survive and take of parents in old age, because of social stigma associated with large families, because of birth control, etc. -- couples in richer countries often choose to have 2 children rather than 10. This demographic transition accounts for the increasing age of the population in Western countries, as I discussed in an earlier post.

///////////////////////////SAVING/INVESTING "Accumulating money and allowing it to grow at compound interest will make you rich." -- Brian Tracy"A penny saved is a penny earned." -- Benjamin Franklin "Businesses must invest in products and people in order to create new wealth." -- John Hoeven"It is better to be a lender than a spender." -- Jim Rohn

/////////////////////THOUGHTS ON AGINGOld age and the wear of time teach many things.Sophocles (c. 496-405 B.C.)Playwright I look forward to growing old and wise and audacious.Glenda JacksonActor and politician

/////////////////////ABT COM=Unexplained vs. Unexplainable: Theists Misunderstand ScienceMany theistic arguments in defense of the existence of a god involve arguing that certain events that have not yet been fully explained by naturalistic science are unexplainable in principle by naturalistic science. Thus, the only "explanation" available is the supernatural, which according to religious theists establishes a justification for believing in their god. This is a serious misunderstanding of science because something unexplained is not necessarily unexplainable.


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