Thursday 19 July 2012

Nature conscious of itself

Anthropogenic universe

Getting a model of universe inside our head

Cultural hndu

Almost too wonderful LON conspired to produce biolf and us

Since 1859 we know how it happened

LON thro NS

Design fooled humanity till 1859


Objective truth. Logic. And science

To keep the lower classes down. Lol

Rules of chess do not dictate game

Ie. NS random changes selected non randomly

Consciousness. first person perspective

Is there a neuro computational solution.

Mind the gap. Put in gd there

We share consciousness with higher animals

I have become a question to myself. St Augustine

Self reflective consciouness

Gd. Unconditional creative energy

Scratch my head profoundly

I m not conscious

Dawkins vs Williams. Oxford

Computers are binary tools

Binary events at the base

Computers and humans do not have free will

Genes determine Quite a bit

Genes are fundamental units of NS

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