Tuesday 24 July 2012


////////////////////GATHERERS >> HUNTERS

///////////////////////As hominids and/or humans switched to eating more meat, their bodies might have evolved so to be able to better digest meat

/////////////////////Our relatively short large intestines might be an adaptation to our special diet, but might also be the consequence of a tradeoff between investing in big brains and big intestines

////////////////////////HUMAN dentition, which appears to be that of omnivores.

'///////////////////////............women were always made emotionally stronger and more intelligent too to make up for muscles and bones and in keeping themselves and their children safe from danger without taking all the physical risks men take in executing efficient hunting of dangerous animals …
 That’s how man became outdoorish and women indoorish


//////////////////////////////// Starvation, predation, disease, infection got us before or shortly after we lost our second set of teeth in our early 40′s.

//////////////////////////////////Positive humor improves mood more than negative humor

/////////////////////////////People tend to do these things for hours, but after 20 minutes you actually start burning muscle, not fat,” he says. Instead of straight cardio, Karas recommends interval training — alternating one minute of working out at a high intensity followed by a minute at a slower rate — for 20 minutes, which burns more fat than staying at the same level throughout.

/////////////////////////////The study found that people who go to bed late eat more food (on average 248 extra calories per day), have worse diets, and are more likely to have a higher body mass index than people who tuck in earlier.

///////////////////////////////Walking Off Weight: Walking at a moderate pace for 30-60 minutes burns stored fat and can build muscle to speed up your metabolism. Walking an hour a day is also associated with cutting your risk of heart disease, breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes and stroke.


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