Friday 20 July 2012


/////////////////// So a typical adult human brain runs on around 12 watts—a fifth of the power required by a standard 60 watt lightbulb. Compared with most other organs, the brain is greedy; pitted against man-made electronics, it is astoundingly efficient

///////////////KROHLEDER.... One assumption made by most when first learning about neuroscience is that a neuron fires, kind of like a circuit getting a charge, and that firing is what processes theinformation. More firing neurons equals more thinking, which equals more energy consumption. Well this is entirely wrong. Only some of the time does it work this way. However quite often a neuron or network of neurons are firing and when they are inhibited, that is turned off, that is when the information is processed. So in that case energy consumption is reduced to process the information (at least locally and in the short term). To my knowledge nobody knows yet what the ratio of inhibitory versus excitatory neural networks is although some have estimated that more than half could be inhibitory.

////////////////// Energy comes from the fuel which is glucose which comes from food. Energy in the form of electrical signals and heat is expended in the brain.


//////////////RESISTING URGE=EGO DEPLETION-  there may to be ways to fortify our self-control beyond reminders of the divine.  One obvious short-term step is to indulge a little in our cravings, particularly if we know we have to face a strong temptation or desire later in the day. If for example you are trying to watch what you eat and you plan to eat dinner out with friends, fulfilling other small urges earlier in the day (e.g., sleeping an extra 10 minutes or leaving work 30 minutes early) may improve your chances of skipping the chocolate cake at dessert.

//////////////////  ZEN IT=research suggests that you can also increase your self-control through regular exertion over time. Although repeated self-denial drains resolve in an immediate sense, it is possible to build endurance through the routine practice of self-control over time. When people engage in daily exercises of self-control, or focus efforts to enhance willpower in one area (e.g., spending), they show gradual improvements in their ability to resist impulses, and these benefits extend to tasks that are unrelated (e.g., studying or household chores).

////////////////  For those seeking a small but simple boost in willpower, other studies show that a cool glass of lemonade (with sugar) can replenish glucose in the bloodstream and (at least temporarily) rejuvenate one's resolve. Other quick fixes include a dose of laughter, monetary incentives, and an emphasis on social goals.

////////////////// In a world where temptations seem to lurk around every corner, it may be prudent to take a converging methods approach to maintaining and improving self-control, with daily practice, a good sense of humor, the occasional financial incentive, and, if the spirit moves you, a divine reminder. And don't forget to indulge in a chocolate chip cookie every once in a while - that small indulgence may be just what you need to prevent a big misstep.



////////////// In Asian countries such as Okinawa people follow the rule, "Eat only 4/5 this full." Research indicates that Americans are not sensitive to how full their stomachs are and often determine when to stop eating by external signs such as an empty plate. When people are taught to be mindful of how full their stomachs are, they become more aware of satiety signals and are able to eat more appropriate amounts of food

/////////////////////////////////CULT OF SCIENCE

/////////////////////////////////ITS MY OWN JOURNEY- LEX/70


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