Wednesday 25 July 2012


//////////////////APPRSL CRSS TMRO

/////////////////////STRESS RELIEF OF SA TA NA MA


////////////////////QNTM SUICD PROBLEM

/////////////////////Universe could end 6 billion years earlier than previously estimated, meeting its untimely death in 16.7 billion years from now rather than 20-22 billion.


////////////////////// MED ERRORS

///////////////////////////////////UNIVERSE EXPIRY DATE-31 BN YRS

//////////////////////////////I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and explain
or murmur or think at some point, 'If this isn't nice, I don't
know what is.'"

-- Kurt Vonnegut

//////////////////////////////////Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more."
– Louis L'Amour

/////////////////////////////Elaine Fox, a psychologist at the University of Essex in England: "Optimism is not so much about feeling happy, nor necessarily a belief that everything will be fine, but about how we respond when times get tough. Optimists tend to keep going, even when it seems as if the whole world is against them."

////////////////////////////////Practice mindful meditation. Allow feelings and thoughts to pass through your mind without judging or reacting to them—that helps create a sense of detachment from negative experiences; Be fully engaged. Get involved in activities that are meaningful to you, whether it’s a career, hobby, sport or volunteering. Do it, as Bill Richmond says. Then learn how

/////////////////////////////"I think it very likely -in fact inevitable-that biological intelligence is only a transitory phenomenon, a fleeting phase in the evolution of intelligence in the universe."

Paul Davies -acclaimed physicist, cosmologist, and astrobiologist at Arizona State University.

//////////////////////////////If artificial intelligence is possible, and is the next step on road to evolving intelligence, we must assume that biological intelligence is a mandatory precursor -- a condition precedent -- before artificial intelligence can appear.

///////////////////////////////////// AI.

Once we create that which can exceed us, we are - in our current form - no longer needed as far as intelligence is concerned.

Hence biological intelligence - humans in their present form - are a transitory phenominon.

////////////////////////////we'll end up with a shared organic/machine society of sorts,

////////////////////////////..........Evolution from "Unitary Intelligence" (my personal definition: in a social group, the restriction of information gathering and processing to each individual with only visual, tactile or smell communication between them, hence explaining our fascination and focus on digitizing information)is the next boundary to overcome in the evolution of biological "intelligence".

/////////////////////////////// migrating from a biological platform (a "meat body") to a synthetic one.

//////////////////////////////////..........we're smart enough to cause the 6th extinction event.
 We may not last long enough to see the great singularity

////////////////////////////////............Homo sapiens sapiens has yet to prove itself capable of handling its new addictions. Evolution is what we call the million year moving average of the results

//////////////////////////////////For billions of years life on the Earth was a slime of bacteria and then evolved into what we are today

/////////////////////////////////..........Survival favors reproductive capability above all else, including "intelligence". People think human intelligence ensures humanity's survival. It does not- we're just good at reproducing. The same goes for every other species on this planet.


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