Sunday 9 December 2012


///////////////////////RED WINE=Using laboratory models, they have found that a daily amount of resveratrol equivalent to two glasses of wine can halve the rate of bowel tumors."

///////////////////////Just two hours of lost sleep in one night can keep the hippocampus from turning information from the day before into long-term memories." Loosing sleep also makes accidents more likely. One study showed that teenagers who slept eight hours or more were 60% less likely to get injured while playing sports.

////////////////////////ENCODE, suggest that "almost two-thirds of human DNA, rather than just 1% of it, is being copied into molecules of RNA, the chemical that carries protein-making instructions to the sub-cellular factories which turn those proteins out, and that as a consequence, rather than there being just 23,000 genes (namely, the bits of DNA that encode proteins), there may be millions of them."

/////////////////////////// recent history, fluid present, and possible future

//////////////////////////////STANCE OF NIHILISM=Nothing has any purpose. Life is meaningless. Any purposes you imagine you have are illusions, errors, or lies.

//////////////////////////////////LETTIN GO OF TIGHTNESS OF THE MOMENT

////////////////////////////MEANINGNESS, ONLY IN CONTEXT

///////////////////////////////the economy very fast chews up the environmental resources, depletes those reservoirs, resulting in a significant amount of environmental damage

////////////////////////////STANCE OF MATERIALISM=The supposed cosmic purposes are doubtful at best, but obviously, people do have goals. There are human purposes no one can seriously doubt: survival, health, sex, romance, fame, power, enjoyable experiences, children, beautiful things. Realistically, those are what everyone pursues anyway. You might as well drop the hypocritical pretense of “higher” purposes and go for what you really want.

///////////////////////////////.........even our best efforts at environmental management are doomed to fail, unless massive scale resistance movements start springing up and send our cultural personality back toward a pre-technological era.


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