Friday 21 December 2012



Adult Pi Patel: All of life is an act of letting go but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.

////////////////////////////Santosh Patel: You think tiger is your friend, he is an animal, not a playmate
Pi Patel: Animals have souls... I have seen it in their eyes.

//////////////////////////// Santosh Patel: We will sail like Columbus.
Pi Patel: But Columbus for looking for India!

///////////////////////////SCIAM=Individuals with a history of traumatic experiences, for example, may be fatalistic. For these people, finding a group of like-minded fatalists is reassuring. There may also be comfort in being able to attribute doom to some larger cosmic order—such as an ancient Mayan prophecy. This kind of mythology removes any sense of individual responsibility.

/////////////////////////////“Apocalyptic beliefs make existential threats—the fear of our mortality—predictable,” Lissek says

//////////////////////////Doomsday preppers who assemble their bunker and canned food, Lissek believes, are engaged in goal-oriented behaviors, which are a proven therapy in times of trouble.

///////////////////////////FEAR, SURVIVAL AND POWERLESNESS

////////////////////////////// “Groundhog Day”.
“What if there is not tomorrow?”
“No tomorrow means no consequences, that means we can do whatever we want!”

////////////////////.........think there’s another deep pleasure, the sense that after I die there will be nothing; the human race, or the earth or the entire universe will end when I do. That way (1) I won’t miss anything, and (2) even more important, my ego is hugely inflated as it becomes proportional to the entire universe. (Who needs professional psychologists to figure this stuff out?

/////////////////////////// think we all know that barring a major cosmic or geologic event, or our own self destruction, mankind will die when the planet does, and it will at the latest, die when our star dies. Everything is temporary; but alot of us just can’t accept that it’s just not all about me.

///////////////////////////........Surviorship bias and the fantasy (or delusion) of superiority,  are the primary motivators for obsessing about an apocalypse.

/////////////////////SCIAM=Dopamine is involved in movement, for example, but it is also involved in, for lack of a better word, “motivated behavior”. I often think of dopamine in terms of “salience”, helping to determine how relevant something is to your interests, which encompasses motivated behaviors for food, sex, drugs, etc.

///////////////////////////////////////about the dopamine-induced behaviors we share with chimpanzees for safety/power, acceptance/attention/peer approval, and esteem/status).

/////////////////////////.........The common symptoms for all addictions include self-deception, denial, and an intransigent commitment to indulging dopamine-triggering behaviors. Safety, power, acceptance, attention, peer-approval, esteem, and status addicts (i.e. most researchers) are not all that different than drug, gambling, food, and sex addict. Same dopamine, same dopamine-induced ignorance.


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