Wednesday 26 December 2012


/////////////////////////JNDE A NEW REV

///////////////////////8 YRS ON BXNG DAY TSUNAMI- HRISH SIP

///////////////////////NETI, NETI, ALL MAYA, TRANSITORY


//////////////////////////AFCA TIGER-LIFE OF PI

/////////////////////////////PLATO, MEYR AND ESSENTIALISM

//////////////////////////////EFFING LAST WEEK OF THE YR

//////////////////////////NP XMS DNNR

/////////////////////////////Andrew Hacker, on complexity
"Professionals are rated by the presumed complexity of what they know and do. So to retain or raise an occupation’s status, tasks are made more mysterious"

///////////////////////////////The genius of Hinduism, and the very reason of its survival for so long, was that it does not stand up and fight."

//////////////////////Nasadiya Sukta (Creation Hymn) in the tenth chapter of the Rig Veda states:[8][9]
Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation?
The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe.

///////////////////////////////Kamalahassan=Dasavathaaram, "I don't say that God doesn't exist, I just say it would be good if he existed".

/////////////////////////////SN MVIE AIYAA

//////////////////////////////The six orthodox philosophic systems are those of Sāṃkhya and Yoga, Nyāya and Vaiśeṣika, and Mīmāṃsā and Vedānta.

///////////////////////////////the nāstika schools are the B-J, the ascetic Ājīvikas, and the materialistic Cārvākas.



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