Thursday 11 July 2013


Do not routinely use the oral and rectal routes to measure the body temperature of children aged 0–5 years. 

In infants under the age of 4 weeks, measure body temperature with an electronic thermometer in the axilla.

//////////////Pre-eclampsia is a risk factor for cerebral palsy mainly mediated through preterm birth and being small for gestational age, say the authors of this population based study. They found that among term born children exposed to pre-eclampsia only those born small for gestational age had an excess risk of cerebral palsy.

In children aged 4 weeks to 5 years, measure body temperature by one of the following methods:
• electronic thermometer in the axilla
• chemical dot thermometer in the axilla
• infra-red tympanic thermometer.

//////////////////........doctors who are treating children for prolonged periods should ask the parents how they are feeling about being in the hospital every day.

////////////////BMT hospitalisation is among the most challenging experiences a family will ever go through.

////////////////////“presenteeism,” (yes, it is a word, though an ungainly one, and it means, roughly, struggling on at work when you are too sick to be there) can undermine performance and affect morale


////////////////////////LAPP CRSS EMAIL C TANG

////////////////////////does not state whether the observed effect is a 2% or 90% change in behavior


///////////////////////social media is changing the way employers are looking at their hiring practices

/////////////////Technology enhances psychology and psychology enhances technology.

///////////////// T BR GRLLS PANAMA SEA


///////////////////EUTHATAL, OLD LONESS 23 , DBLN ZOO T

/////////////NOI GM OEMBUTAL

////////////////////////T SAVANNAH SPEED DEMONS

////////////////ducks to dolphins may grieve when a relative or close companion dies.

/////////////////////SIMBA FLOWER GARDEN


//////////////////T HELIGOLAND

/////////////////SUN, MOISTURE, SOIL

////////////////SOIL- SAND, LOAM, CLAY

Texture, mostly.

Clay doesn't drain well at all, and is very heavy.
Sand drains too well, and doesn't hold nutrients.
Loam is the ideal, crumbly, nutrient-rich earth that most plants like.

A few will tolerate toward the sandy or clay end of it. Depends on the plants.

///////////////ANML GRF=King is careful to establish criteria for grief, noting that “researchers may strongly suspect grief only when certain conditions are met: First, two (or more) animals choose to spend time together beyond survival-oriented behaviors such as foraging or mating. Second, when one animal dies, the survivor alters his or her normal behavioral routine—perhaps reducing the amount of time devoted to eating or sleeping, adopting a body posture or facial expression indicative of depression or agitation, or generally failing to thrive.”SCIAM

/////////////////MY GAME, MY TURF, MY RULES

////////////////////KINGS SPEECH CNMA 2011

//////////////////The plasticity of the term intelligence is really taking some abuse these days

/////////////////////,,,,,,,,,,,,When our dogs, Klux and Shadow, died, our other dog, Callie, was distraught with grief. I was just waiting for it to be acknowledged by science that dogs can experience grief.

//////////////////.........A cub was run over by a herd of buffalo and ended up paralyzed in his back legs. The cub was dragging its body forward on his front legs. The cheetah mother tried to help it, lifted it up with her teeth but then lowered it again. She turned away, happened to be facing the camera. In that instant her face crumbled; her expression was unmistakable, showing profound grief. She then walked away, abandoning her cub.

////////////////The most predictive neural activity was associated with reward processing (ventral striatum [VS]) and the ability to simulate the minds of others (temporoparietal junction [TPJ] and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex [DMPFC]).


//////////////////SLOW BURNER

////////////////////.....As the researchers note, these findings have a number of important implications for the spread of ideas, norms, values, and culture. For one, it appears that the spread of ideas depends on the messenger’s social-cognitive abilities, affect, and motivations, and less on IQ-type intelligence. None of the stages involved in social influence recruited brain regions typically associated with higher-level abstract reasoning and executive functioning (the frontal-parietal brain network).SCIAM

/////////////// reverse inference fallacy.

Forehead chemical thermometers are unreliable and should not be used by healthcare professionals. 




/////////////////////Some normal (neurotypical is the proper term these days) children simply read very early.

/////////////////////SOWELL=The Einstein Syndrome: Bright Children Who Talk Late

Reported parental perception of a fever should be considered valid and taken seriously by healthcare professionals. 

///////////////////////////NRS 24K, SLDR 23 K, SLF 55K, GP 90K

/////////////////////////////WALK IF IT IS < 1 MILE

////////////////////////////CAMP/SLEEP IN THE GARDEN

Recognise that children who have all of the following features, and none of the high- or intermediate-risk features, are in a low-risk group for serious illness:
• normal colour of skin, lips and tongue
• responds normally to social cues
• content/smiles
• stays awake or awakens quickly
• strong normal cry or not crying
• normal skin and eyes
• moist mucous membranes. 

Recognise that children with any of the following symptoms or signs are in a high-risk group for serious illness:
• pale/mottled/ashen/blue skin, lips or tongue
• no response to social cues
• appearing ill to a healthcare professional
• does not wake or if roused does not stay awake
• weak, high-pitched or continuous cry
• grunting
• respiratory rate greater than 60 breaths per minute
• moderate or severe chest indrawing
• reduced skin turgor
• bulging fontanelle.

Recognise that a capillary refill time of 3 seconds or longer is an intermediate-risk group marker for serious illness (‘amber’ sign).

///////////////////////////She chose to take responsibility for herself and her family and to pursue her own life rather than remain a victim of circumstance," Luhabe says.

//////////////////////////////Weight-loss programs typically produce a 10 percent weight loss.

Measure the blood pressure of children with fever if the heart rate or capillary refill time is abnormal and the facilities to measure blood pressure are available.

////////////////////////// foods that are high in protein slow the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, and slower stomach emptying means you feel full longer and get hungrier later. The evidence also suggests high-protein meals lead to a reduced subsequent calorie intake.

In children older than 6 months do not use height of body temperature alone to identify those with serious illness.

////////////////////////////imminent stall.- STICK SHAKER, PLANE

Recognise that children younger than 3 months with a temperature of 38°C or higher are in a high-risk group for serious illness.


-Egg whites are virtually fat free. If you don’t like plain whites, combine one-third egg whites with two-thirds whole eggs, and then gradually reduce the amount of whole eggs.

- Nuts, seeds, beans and legumes are super-healthy, but nuts and seeds are very high in fat (although it’s good fat), so make sure to limit portion sizes.

Recognise that children aged 3–6 months with a temperature of 39°C or higher are in at least an intermediate-risk group for serious illness.

///////////////////////////////ALABAMA ARKANSAS, I LOVE MY MUM AND PAW

///////////////////////////Walk — walk for at least 60 to 90 minutes per day. Are you thinking that’s too much, how could you possibly fit it into your already busy life? If so, you need to understand that you don’t have to do the entire 60 to 90 minutes all at once — you just need to get it in at some point during the day.


Do not use duration of fever to predict the likelihood of serious illness. However, children with a fever lasting more than 5 days should be assessed for Kawasaki disease (see recommendation

/////////////////////////////In fact, we typically underestimate calories in foods by as much as 45 percent. Even registered dietitians underestimate the calories in foods by as much as 16 percent.


//////////////////////////ICE CREAM CHIME 12 SEC

/////////////////////////VS NOISE ABATEMENT SCTY

Recognise that children with tachycardia are in at least an intermediate-risk group for serious illness. Use the Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) criteria below to define tachycardia.

//////////////////////////Fruits typically are higher in sugar than vegetables, and vegetables are generally lower in calories on a per-gram basis. Don’t get me wrong: Fruits are still an important part of your diet, but you should not consider fruit a free food. Most non-starchy vegetables (e.g., broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, celery, etc.), on the other hand, are very low in calories and sugar, and you can usually eat as much of them as you like without worrying about your weight.

Assess children with fever for signs of dehydration. Look for:
• prolonged capillary refill time
• abnormal skin turgor
  • abnormal respiratory pattern
• weak pulse
• cool extremities.

//////////////////////////6/43 VS QRESDNTS WERE SHT

////////////////////////WHEEL SPINNING , BUT THE  HAMSTER IS DD - H CUSH

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