Tuesday 2 February 2021





Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man. - MK Gandhi








Transmigration of the soul — usually defined as the passing of a spirit from one being to another, or to an inanimate form, immediately after death.

There are several aspects of this idea that are incompatible with what I was told by my spirit world sources.

  1. It does not allow a spirit to maximize the experience of each lifetime, which is accomplished by their returning to the spirit world and completing a structured program of debriefing, review, and assimilation, all under the guidance of Master spirits.
  2. It does not allow for a spirit to renew their spiritual energies between lifetimes or to pursue the various roles and educational opportunities available to them in the spirit world that will assist them in future lifetimes.
  3. Humans are uniquely suited for spiritual life due to their capacity to reason and make informed choices, necessary for a spirit to learn. Transmigration into an animal or inanimate object would defeat the purpose of their taking physical lifetimes.

My sources are two spirits who spoke to me through another person (not channeled). To learn about my experience with them, see my profile link to The Invisible Choir.


To be born is to die 

Nothing ever happens because everything is always happening. Nothing=Everything. 0=infinity.

If you believe anything, you see nothing. If you believe nothing, you see EVERYTHING.



I’ll tell you the joke, but you may not like it. It unfolds thus:

It may be considered unethical to truly say what’s funny, because those who believe they exist take their existence and Life very seriously. But to the Absolute the seriousness itSelf is the joke. When someone is speaking from the Absolute, like Karl Renz does, people take it personally and think he’s horrible, mean and insensitive. But he’s never talking to people, he talks I to I — Absolute to Absolute. And he’s joking with You the whole time about the absurdity and stupidity of the play of consciousness… If you hear it as a separate self you will be disgusted. If You hear it as the Absolute, you get the joke.
There’s no one to offend.

The joke is that You, the Absolute, can only realize Yourself through pure stupidity. To be born?! That is the dumbest thing ever! In a meat suit?! That rots and ALWAYS hurts… from the second you come out you cry from discomfort. To exist is to suffer. And you are either reading this as someone who believes s/he was born, or as the Absolute, in which case You find it amusing because the whole thing is utterly impossible! That You ever entered Your dream… were born and died… ever lifted a finger or did anything… all of that is a joke.

And when you hear the ego - the ‘I’ - speak, it’s PURE COMEDY. It tells these radical stories.. of how it came from here to there… “MY achievement!!”…. how it evolved — “look, I’m a successful happy person now!”… (happy person is a contradiction in terms, the Absolute is laughing)… even how it woke up “(*I* am awakened now!)! Imagine! “*I* did this!” Is the funniest line! Claiming actions, claiming to be the doer. With the credit comes the blame. And our society is full of praise and punishment. It’s scary! You have to always be good, or else you’ll be punished. And you can’t really control your actions, so you live in fear.. that you might do something society doesn’t allow one day. And then everyone will project their own guilt onto you as blame. As the Absolute you’ll laugh; as a ‘person’ you will not be able to take it, because you will believe you did something bad.

The ‘I’ is always talking about how life is wrong. “She shouldn’t have the illness”, “He shouldn’t be president”, etc etc. It always knows better than Life what should be. It believes happiness is circumstantial, you see, so it thinks if things are arranged a certain way, then it will be good.
It’s constantly hilariously commentating and judging what’s happening, as though it’s some expert in how Life should be. It’s really hilarious, because it’s just ideas. Like how could anyone possibly know what “should” be?! It’s all relative to some made-up idea. Why should it be that way and not this way? The ‘I’ will say, because then it will be ‘better’. Only the ‘I’ has this idea of ‘better’, and it is suffering because of it.

The search for good is the devil.

The moment the ‘I’ made death into a ‘bad’ thing, then everything follows. We do everything to stay alive, and if people die we think something bad happened. But from Life’s view… it’s just Life happening in the way it has to. Our fear is so intense… our attempts to prevent death, murder and all the ‘bad’… And it’s so intense because we believe our ideas of good and bad so intensely. When there are no such ideas, then it’s just what happens. Life doesn’t have the idea that ‘life is valuable’. Trying to prevent the ‘bad’ makes the bad real.

If the Absolute were asked about morality and ethics, it would simply laugh because it’s quite an invention! But for the imaginary one who wants to be ‘good’, morality and ethics are a very serious matter!

It has stories, the ‘I’: About death — it says, “how sad!” And about birth — “how wonderful!” And as the Absolute you have to laugh because nothing happens in either. But dream characters are taking it so seriously, so real.
And anyway death is guaranteed by birth so they should already say in birth “how sad!” “How sad that you had a baby! Poor baby!”
Separate selves don’t see the end in the beginning and the beginning in the end. It’s a trick of separation. When they’re happy they think it’s forever, but it’s already over. Misery is already there. The ‘I’ is just so dumb, it’s beyond belief. It’s an exercise in futility. It tries everything, and belief and hope tell it that effort will have results. But there’s no one in this darn play! It’s just You, dear Absolute. Where would You go to find Yourself? No one gains anything by being the Absolute. You are simply helplessly experiencing Yourself in all ways, but nothing happens by any of these experiences. Because 
This moment is Always. And You can only experience Yourself in separation. And separation is by nature dissatisfaction, discomfort and the pure stupidity of trying to attain What You’ve Never Not Been.

Your dream is the exact opposite of You. It’s a reflection. Hence the truly awakened will tell you that anything you can know or cognize is NOT What You Are. Neti Neti. This is a dream of ideas and definitions, and you are not an idea and before definition. Or in spite of definitions, more accurately. Your reflection is You but You are not Your reflection.

The ‘I’ has ideas of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ and Life just carelessly goes on, doing what it does, in spite of what separate selves deem ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Life has NO such concept. It just unfolds. It’s not cruel nor kind. It is This infinite moment. It IS. Nothing needs to happen. Certainly not in a particular way, as the ‘I’ would want it. It happens because it’s infinite. But the ‘I’ always tries to make it go as it believes it should. And it always fails! And it’s funny, because the Absolute has fallen in love with its puppet, “fallen into the dream,” and tries to make the dream a good dream. And by all the efforts of everyone trying to assert their idea of good, it’s always bad.

It’s all, as U2 put it, “in the name of love.” Everyone wants to take care, out of love and good intentions, and everyone fights for their idea of peace. That’s war. The whole Universe is war. The ‘I’ praises nature but nature is always killing each other… even plants and trees. Stars too. It’s a dream of separation. Each one cares for what they’re identified with - MY self, MY family, MY nation, MY planet.
As the Absolute there’s no ownership and no need for it. There isn’t one to own the other. That’s separation.

You had or have a mother… you know how it is to be loved and cared for… it’s a pain in the bum! Love is just control. Because love is fear. Love is guilt. Love is hate. But the ‘I’ sees separation, as if love is love and fear is fear. It’s the same. They come together. And out of fear of it being bad, love tries to make it good. And if you’re not making it good, you feel guilty. And when another doesn’t make it good for you, you hate them. Or you hate yourself because you’re not making it good enough for yourself. Love moves you to make it good for you, better. That’s suffering. You feel guilty that you could/should be doing more/better. It’s never good enough. Love wants to make it good, but it can’t control, because Life isn’t concerned with it.

Life has no interest in love. If the universe were destroyed tonight, Life wouldn’t flinch. The Absolute is absolute carelessness. Because that’s the Nature of Eternity. But for temporary body-minds, this is all horrible and everything has consequences. For What You Are there are none. You are never at the effect of anything. Hence You don’t mind. This no-mind is Your Nature. Because nothing comes and goes.

And that’s the ultimate joke: nothing ever happens.

All that You see/dream is What You Are… these pictures. It is Your potential right in front of You, Now. Because You are eternal, it is eternal. Your existence is just… Here. Poof. Like a block of existence. It’s all Here. But these pictures don’t do anything. It’s like being afraid of a film strip.
The joke starts when you believe you are IN the pictures. And that’s the same time the tragedy starts.
The Absolute sees the joke and the tragedy. But no one is in neither the joke nor the tragedy. The tragedy is the joke, the joke is the tragedy.

The ‘I’ is the lunatic that supplies allllllllll the jokes. And all the tragedies.

The ‘I’ is an exercise in futility.

To be serious about having a separate existence, is the greatest joke never told.


It makes me feel free to take each day as it comes, as if each day is a bonus, yet I have nothing to prove or gain because I’m already over it. I find less need to buy into each dream-like appearance or invest in the day-to-day drama because I have already left this life – the only reason for doing anything now is to keep journeying toward enlightenment and help others. There is naturally less attachment, aversion, and worldly concerns. Instead of being an avatar in a virtual reality who believes they are a real person in a real world, wandering around bumping into people and things with no real clue as to what is going on or what is around the corner, I can instead feel that the entire world is not outside my mind and therefore I can do whatever I want with it. Maybe that is what Tsunetomo means by, “If by setting one’s heart right every morning and evening, one is able to live as though his body gains freedom in the Way.”




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