Monday 16 August 2021





We need to be born a human being, as this is the only state of existence in which there is enough suffering to give us an acute desire to be free from samsara, yet not so much suffering that we no longer have the opportunity to free ourselves through the practice of Dharma. If we do not make use of the precious opportunity of a human existence, we cannot but go downward, like a stone rolling down a hill.

Adapted from The Excellent Path of Enlightenment, Snow Lion 1996.



“I do not know which to prefer,

The beauty of inflections

Or the beauty of innuendos

The blackbird whistling

Or just after.” 

-- Wallace Stevens, “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird,” The Palm at the End of the Mind (AmazonBookshop)##


pain at the end of the mind



Choosing the Ways of Life:- Generally people choose two ways to sustain their life, one is Smgharsha, Struggle and another is Samarpana, Surrender. Both are very essential for existence. The way of life in struggle needs power, strength, stamina, courage etc where as the surrender way of life requires kindness, forgiveness, compassion, sacrifice and submissiveness etc. Both the types try to fly towards Eternity, Divinity above all towards the Abode of Peace and Bliss. However, the flight of the struggle towards Godhood cannot be fulfilled as these people fall down after covering some distance due to heaviness and weightiness as they are backed by egoism. On the contrary the surrender type of people come out successful in their attempt due to lightness and weightlessness as they are devoid of egoism or I-ness. The people having Samarpanabhava can fly up to the level of God, Paramtma considering God is their only resort.
अहं त्वा सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुचः।।
Dr. Sanjaya Kumar Mahapatra, Kriya Yogi.###

“If we can see past perceived limitations, then the possibilities are endless.” ~Amy Purdy###



Nirvana can be thought of as the last 'level' in this lifetime, anyway.

Death awaits. Life replays and repeats.

Enlightenment can be thought of as a function of how you move throughout life to attain an inner peace.

How you do anything is how you'll do everything; from the foundation, it's the echo that counts.


B You want world peace. But we don’t have it. That makes you sad. Then you realize that feeling sad doesn’t get us world peace, so you let go of the attachment to having world peace today and say “I will do what I can reasonably do to contribute to it and accept the result”.

This is a step to enlightenment, the realization about the truth of reality without any of our expectations and false perceptions we have for it.

Nirvana is if and when we are capable of letting go of all of our attachments and ending the suffering caused by them.

What this means metaphysically — I leave that up to you and your journey.


Enlightenment is seeing Emptiness - No-Self & Impermanence. Then moving beyond that horizon.


Nirvana is the way in which an enlightened mind, free of poisons and afflictions, experiences existence.

As opposed to Suffering, which is the way in which a mind afflicted with Ignorance (about the nature of reality) experiences existence.

Simply put, Nirvana is the absence (of the causes) of Suffering.


Niravana is the spiritual terminology for ego-death. Enlightenment is a non-spiritual term. That is all.




Contentment arises when
we are in contact with the soul.
It is vital to understand this point:
contentment does not come
from the body or the mind.
It emanates from the soul,
as the layers of conditioning dissolve.

Patanjali says that extraordinary happiness results from quiet contentment. So purity leads to contentment, which in turn leads to happiness. This extraordinary happiness is an inner state – it has nothing to do with the pleasures and pains of worldly existence, which are fickle, coming and going like the weather.#

A   Kailash mountain
/Center of the Earth: The North Pole is on one side of the Earth, and the South Pole on the other. The Himalayas are situated between the two. The center of the Himalayas is Mount Kailash. According to scientists, this is the center of the earth. Mount Kailash is the center of the 4 main religions of the world - Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism.
Center of Supernatural Power: This is also a center which is called Axis Mundi. Axis Mundi means the navel or celestial pole of the world and the center of the geographic pole. It is a point of connection between the heavens and the earth, where the ten directions meet. According to Russian scientists, Axis Mundi is the place where supernatural power flows and you can have contact with those powers.
Why this mountain is pyramidal: Mount Kailash is a giant pyramid, which is the center of 100 smaller pyramids. The structure of Mount Kailash is similar to the four points of a compass and is located in a secluded place, where there are no major mountains.
No one can climb the summit: Mount Kailash is prohibited, but it was climbed by Milarepa, a Tibetan Buddhist yogi in the 11th century. This report by Russian scientists was published in the January 2004 issue of 'Unspatial' magazine. Although Milarepa never said anything about this, so this too is a mystery.
The mystery of two mysterious lakes: There are two main lakes here - first, Mansarovar which is one of the highest lakes of pure water in the world and whose size is similar to the sun. Second, the lake named Rakshasa, which is one of the highest salt water lakes in the world and whose shape is similar to the moon. Both these lakes represent solar and lunar forces, which are related to positive and negative energies. A swastika symbol can actually be seen when viewed from the south. It is still a mystery whether these lakes were formed naturally or that they were made so?
Why all the rivers originate from here: 4 rivers have originated from 4 directions of Mount Kailash of this mountain- Brahmaputra, Indus, Sutlej and Karnali. Other rivers of China have also emerged from these rivers including Ganga, Saraswati. There are faces of various animals in the four directions of Kailash from which the rivers originate. In the east is the face of an elephant, in the west is the face of an elephant, in the north is the face of a lion, in the south is the face of a peacock.
Only virtuous souls can reside: Only virtuous souls can reside here. When Russian scientists, who have studied Mount Kailash and its surrounding environment, met religious leaders in Tibet's temples, they told that there is a supernatural force flowing around Mount Kailash in which ascetics still make telepathic contact with spiritual masters. Huh.
Mystery of Yeti Man: The people of the Himalayas say that Yeti Man lives on the Himalayas. Some call it brown bear, some wild man and some snow man. There is a popular belief that it kills and eats people. Some scientists consider it to be a Neanderthal human. More than 30 scientists around the world have claimed that snow humans are present in the snowy areas of the Himalayas.
Mystery of musk deer: Musk deer is the rarest deer in the world. This deer is found only in North Pakistan, North India, China, Tibet, Siberia, Mongolia. The musk of this antelope is very aromatic and with medicinal properties, which is in the form of a substance in the gland of the back of its body. Musk from the deer is one of the most expensive animal products in the world.
The sound of Damru and Om: If you go to Mount Kailash or the area of ​​Lake Mansarovar, you will hear a continuous sound, as if an airplane is flying somewhere nearby. But on listening carefully, this sound is like the sound of 'Damru' or 'Om'. Scientists say that it may be that this sound is of melting ice. It may also happen that there is such an interaction between light and sound that the sounds of 'Om' are heard from here.
Light shining in the sky: It is claimed that many times 7 types of lights have been seen shining in the sky on Mount Kailash. NASA scientists believe that it may be due to the magnetic force here. The magnetic force here can combine with the sky to create such things many times.
Everywhere Shiva


Without desires, we don’t expect anything.
When we don’t expect anything,
we are not disappointed. Otherwise,
disappointment leads to anger;
anger leads to loss of equilibrium;
loss of equilibrium leads to fear,
and eventually we lose our humanity.


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