Monday 16 August 2021




Shared bellow is the portion read today in the BHAGAVAD GITA: 365 REFLECTIONS FOR DAILY MINDFULNESS
Written by - Chaitanya Charan
Sub-theme - Empower Yourself
We all have various structures that bring order to our daily life. Such structures include rules, customs, routines, schedules and obligations. We may sometimes find such structures restrictive.
While structures can be limiting, they can also be liberating. Suppose we want to travel somewhere. For getting there, a supportive structure is a road: it liberates us from all the worries of going cross country. Such worries may include: Will the terrain ahead be navigable? Are we on the right track? But that same road can limit us if it gets blocked due to heavy traffic or a landslide. Then, we may be better off going cross country.
The various structures in our life are meant to serve as roads for our life-journey. Life can become unlimitedly complex, burdening us with hundreds of choices, right from what time we wake up, what we eat, what we wear and so forth. And as if the complexity of life were not bad enough, our mind complicates even simple things, making us agonize over straightforward choices. That’s why we all need some supportive structure to simplify our life. Pertinently, the Bhagavad-gita stresses that if we wish to control our mind, we absolutely need a supportive structure, that is, an appropriate process (06.36)
Of course, depending on our nature and situations, some structures can become more restrictive than supportive. When some structures start working against us instead of for us, we may need to re-evaluate them, either reforming them or repositioning our relationship with them. But we needn’t reject all structures as undesirable.
By focusing on our essential purpose — to better manage our mind and life, and to fulfill our various potentials, material and spiritual — we can judiciously adopt the structures that enable us to manifest our best.
Think it over :
How can structures be liberating?
When do structures become limiting?
List three prominent structures in your life. Contemplate how you can ensure that they work for you instead of against you.
*** 06.36 For one whose mind is unbridled, self-realization is difficult work. But he whose mind is controlled and who strives by appropriate means is assured of success. That is my opinion.



“I learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” ~Nelson Mandela


“Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them.” ~Eckhart Tolle


“I would argue that nothing gives life more purpose than the realization that every moment of consciousness is a precious and fragile gift.” ~Steven Pinker







স্বামীজীর অনুধ্যান, পর্ব-৪৬ ।।
জয়পুর ছেড়ে স্বামীজী এগিয়ে চলেছেন আজমীরের উদ্দেশ্যে। দর্শন করলেন মুসলমান ফকির খাজা মৈনুদ্দিন চিস্তি সাহেবের দরগা থেকে পুস্করতীর্থ, সাবিত্রী মন্দির এবং সুপ্রসিদ্ধ ব্রহ্মা মন্দির সহ আরও কয়েকটি স্থান।
সেসব দেখে ১৮৯১ সালের ১৪ই এপ্রিল এসে পৌঁছালেন মাউন্টআবুতে। ত্রয়োদশ শতাব্দিতে প্রায় আট কোটি টাকা ব্যয়ে তৈরী শ্বেতপাথরের জৈনদের দিলওয়ারা মন্দির দেখে তিনি মুগ্ধ হয়ে গিয়েছিলেন। নাক্কি লেকের ধারে ভ্রমণও করেছেন বহু বার। আর বছর দেড়েক আগে স্বামীজীর পদরজে ধন্য বহু আকাঙ্খিত এই সকল জায়গাগুলি দর্শন করে ধন্য হয়েছি আমিও।
আবু পাহাড়ে স্বামীজী আশ্রয় নিলেন চম্পাগুফা নামে একটি নির্জন গুহাতে। রাজ্যের একজন উকিল সাহেব ঐ পথে যাওয়ার সময় গুহার মুখে স্বামীজীকে দেখে প্রবল ভাবে আকৃষ্ট হলেন। একটু আলাপ জমাতেই বুঝতে পারলেন স্বামীজীর অগাধ পাণ্ডিত্য। আর ঠিক সেই আকর্ষনে প্রায় রোজই আসতে শুরু করলেন স্বামীজীর কাছে। শুধু তাই নয়, সাধুসেবা করার জন্যেও ব্যাকুল হয়ে উঠলেন।
স্বামীজী বললেন,"দেখুন উকিল সাহেব, বর্ষা তো এসে পড়ল, কিন্তু গুহার দড়জা নেই; আপনার ইচ্ছে হলে একজোড়া কপাট করে দিতে পারেন।" উকিল সাহেব বললেন,"এ গুহাটি বড় খারাপ। আপনি অনুমতি করেন তো একটা কথা বলি। আমি এখানে একা একটি বাংলোতে থাকি। আপনি যদি দয়া করে সেখানে থাকতে রাজি হন তো, আমি কৃতার্থ হব।" স্বামীজী রাজি হওয়ায় তিনি বললেন,"কিন্তু আমি যে মুসলমান!"
স্বামীজী তাঁর কথাকে গুরুত্বই দিলেন না, বরং নির্দ্বিধায় চলে আসলেন তাঁর বাংলোতে। স্বামীজী এতটাই উদার মনভাবাপন্ন ছিলেন যে, বিচরণ করতেন তৎকালীন ধর্মান্ধতা আর কুসংস্কারাচ্ছন্ন সামাজিক লোকনিন্দা, পরচর্চার উর্দ্ধে। জাতপাতের বিভেদকে দূরে ঠেলে অবলীলায় একজন মুসলমান ভক্তের আতিথেয়তা গ্রহণ করতে তাঁর এতটুকু দ্বিধা হল না। আর এখানেই সাক্ষাৎ হল খেতড়ি-রাজের প্রাইভেট সেক্রেটারি মুন্সী জগমোহনলালের সঙ্গে। শুরু হল এক নতুন অধ্যায়। সপ্ত ঋষির প্রধান ঋষি, যুগাচার্য স্বামীজীর চরণে জানাই ভুলুন্ঠিত প্রণাম।(শুভেন্দু)
জয় ঠাকুর জয় মা জয় স্বামীজী জয় গুরুদেব।



Once Bhagawan asked one student, " What is M. Tech? " The boy is a gold medalist. He said, "Swami, Technology is applied science, " Bhagawan said, " You are wrong, Another boy said, " Technology, Swami, is a technique of making use of science" . Another boy said, " Technology is a practical field where science is applied Bhagawan said, 'sit down ' So allwere helpless because Bhagawan alone could give the answer . Bhagawan said, " Technology is 'Take knowledge ' I have a knowledge; take this knowledge, for your progress, advancement and welfare. That is Technology. Technology today is'" trick knowledge' to make money and not Technology. "
" There is only one Master. HE is GOD. No one has the authority to call himself a Master. A college teacher is not a Master. He knows how to repeat in verbatim. A school teacher is not a Master, because he knows how to complete a syllabus. We are not masters, but teachers ; the MASTER is only GOD. You should follow such a Master who is GOD Himself. There is only one GOD, who is omnipresent ".



When we are observing a living and conscious creature, all of its behavior can be explained in terms of our laws of physics.

In other words, we don’t need consciousness as an extra ingredient to explain what is observed. Mind-body dualism is a ship that has sailed a long, long time ago.

Another way of saying that would be that we are not observing any anomalies in the laws of physics when we are observing the behavior of a living, conscious creature, versus the behavior of an inanimate object. Will is not separate from physical functions.

And even another way of saying the very same thing would be to say that consciousness is an epiphenomenon of some physical processes, a mere side-effect.

The “richness” that everything that is able to read and understand this, is experiencing first hand is not just the conscious “foam” of some random, chaotic fluctuations occurring inside this universe, somewhere. “We” are all experiencing the fluctuations that correspond to the complex operating system of the human brain. This particular program feels very much as having a center that’s in control. Mainly because of the fluctuations inside the Default Mode Network:

This sense of a “center that’s in control” is not a fundamental feature of consciousness itself.

If we’d mistake these particular fluctuations that are responsible for the added sense of “a center that’s in control” to be a fundamental aspect to consciousness itself, we are unknowingly anthropomorphizing consciousness.

I thought that there were lots of things that physics can’t explain? Quantum entanglement, wave partial duality, heisenberg uncertainty principle, quantum gravity, the hard problem of consciousness, time, space, quantum tunneling, gravity, dark matter, speed of light, black holes. The ship may have a few holes in it that need patching before it can sail over the horizon :-)


Yeah, when we make a distinction between the natural (and I mean things that can or will at some time be explained by physics) and the supernatural (inexplainable divine or “spooky” things), we can see that many things that used to be considered “supernatural” have gradually become part of our conceptual understandings.

For many, this kind of takes away the “juice” of it all, as though it isn’t all ridiculously divine. As if reality is now suddenly contained within this boring explanation, or something. :D
Like the kid that is at awe of the ungraspable distance of the Moon, but then dad tells her, while picking his nose and watching his television: “Yeah, it’s about 400.000 km away” - poof -.
Or like Krishnamurti said: “The day you teach the child the name of the bird, the child will never see that bird again.”

But I’ve noticed we can see through these concepts and still recognize the divinity of it all, you know what I mean?

When you say the things that can’t be explained by our current knowledge of physics (although I have to say I don’t quite agree with many of the things you mentioned), it kind of makes divinity to only be hiding within those small gaps of our current knowledge (God of the gaps - Wikipedia). But really it’s all divine (well, to me anyways). Concepts can’t really make that go away, unless we pay way too much attention to them. As though our personal conceptual understanding equals actual reality. You see what I mean?

I mean, when we have this very complex robot in front of us, we don’t need a separate thing called “consciousness” to explain why it behaves the way it behaves. But I don’t think that takes away one iota of its divinity. And we can’t know what it’s like to be the robot. To directly experience its electrical interactions as the robot.

I personally don’t think of any life form any differently than that robot. It’s all divine to me. Yet not separate from physical reality. I don’t think divinity is hiding on this special place in the Universe called “Earth”, inside these very special places called “brains”. As though they’re these portals to some other dimension called “consciousness”.

But that’s just how I’ve come to make sense of it all. I love how Brain Cox said it at 2:09:


Consciousness is the substrate in which all living things are grounded. It contains the universe and is therefore fundamental to it. Secondly, I don’t believe that all the behavior of a living/conscious ‘being’ (my word preference to the use of ‘creature’) can be explained in terms of our laws of physics. Physics is not all-encompassing; there’s physics, then there’s rationality. Physics explains some things but not all things. The gap between science and spirituality has been getting narrower for quite a while now since the advent of quantum mechanics, to mention just one area of study.


When we are observing a living and conscious creature, all of its behavior can be explained in terms of our laws of physics.” But the question was not about living and conscious creatures, it was about consciousness, itself.

What do you make of the fact that consciousness can be aware of physical matter, but physical matter cannot be aware of consciousness? Does this suggest that consciousness is of a higher order than physical matter?


Yes, it’s a fascinating subject, isn’t it?

The question was indeed about consciousness itself, but in order to rationalize whether or not consciousness could also be a possible feature outside living creatures, this has to be our starting point, wouldn’t you agree? I mean, it’s where we all generally agree that consciousness at least does exist.

>>What do you make of the fact that consciousness can be aware of physical matter

Consciousness is not actually a “separate something” that can be aware of physical matter at all, because consciousness is not dual like that (like the way Descartes imagined it many years ago: Mind–body dualism - Wikipedia). This is somewhat analogous to saying that when I start up my pc, that electricity is aware of the character in the computer game.

Simple, fundamental consciousness can arise from many, many simple interactions inside the brain. But taken together, these simple individual interactions might appear very complex. But, like the metaphorical simple electricity running through a complex computer, this is just because the machine happens to be complex.

You mentioned the concept of separating physical matter from consciousness, which can be tempting. But there’s more to physics than just massive particles (the “physical matter”). The “massless particles” (like for instance photons), that are responsible for all interactions, are also part of our physical reality as well. Without these very physical interactions there appears to be no arising consciousness.

The way that consciousness arises from our complex machine, it can appear as though consciousness itself is complex and it even appears to be this “separate entity” that has control over matter (like the way Descartes imagined). But this conflicts with for instance the phenomenon of Blindsight - Wikipedia, where these cortically blind people are not consciously aware of an object in front of them, yet somehow are able to find themselves avoiding them:

Or, for instance, the Libet experiment, where we can scan the brain of someone and thereby know what he decided well before he’s consciously aware of making this decision.

So, that subjective sense of deciding something freely is something that comes after the actual, physical decision making. Like a subjective after-image of our physical mental processing.


An absurd way to explain what consciousness is and that too using the mundane physics. Consciousness does not arise like said here, but in this manner in all 6 touch-sense agencies, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. Consciousness means to know separately, what, happy feelings, unhappy feelings and neutral feelings.

It arises say in eye meet object there arise eye consciousness. Consciousness is the illustration place for all name & form.


You need to check out the most reliable source of information on NDEs and look into the NDE phenomenon . Our brain is just like a TV set..a receiver of consciousness 😀 ✌️


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