Sunday 24 July 2022



"If you try anything, if you try to lose weight, or to improve yourself, or to love, or to make the world a better place, you have already achieved something wonderful, before you even begin. Forget failure. If things don't work out the way you want, hold your head up high and be proud. And try again. And again. And again!"

-- Sarah Desse


SSRI antidepressants reduce the risk of dying from COVID, a large analysis finds.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, include most modern antidepressants such as Prozac or Seroxat.



In Advaita Vedanta, the phenomenal world is a hallucination, illusion, delusion, maya, with no mention of how it appears. The only reality is Brahman. So what are these colors and shapes and sounds? Hallucination. It is an epistimilogical problem for Advaita. To be enlightened would infer to withdraw the senses from all objects and dwell in a deep samadhi focused only on reflexive consciousness to the exclusion of all else.

In Kashmiri Shaivism, the phenomenal world is Divine as well as the transcendental consciousness, which is not likened to Brahman necessarily but to Shiva. The Phenomenal world, however, is not a delusion or ignorance, but it is Shakti. Shakti, the kinetic active feminine principle of reality. Without Shakti, Shiva would be dead, or just static consciousness. An aspect of Shakti is Shaktimaya or the power of illusion, but this illusion is not a deluded illusion but the beautiful illusion of a rainbow. If one knows it is an illusion then one can enjoy the rainbow without becoming deluded by it.

Shakti is the consort of Shiva, in yab-yum, nondual,  embrace. This nondualism includes both aspects of consciousness and its display as both Divine, and that is its nonduality, whereas Advaita’s nonduality is that only consciousness is real divine and its display is not. The nondualism of Shaivism allows all aspects of life to be taken on the spiritual path. Eating, sleeping, walking, working, sitting, shitting,meditating, dreaming, and so on. Because it is all Shakti, the kinetic creative principle of consciousness while Shiva is the static transcendental aspect of consciousness. Every experience we have is the interaction of these two aspects of our mind in embrace.


I have learned that there is no magic answer to this question. It is different for everyone, but we all have the same problem: our inner storm.

It can be fear, anger or sadness; it depends on you and your personality type and life experiences.

How do you calm your inner storm? How do you find inner peace? The first step is to accept that these feelings exist inside of us, but they do not control us. We are not our emotions, we are much more than that! We are human beings who are capable of feeling emotions without letting them control us! Realizing we have power over our thoughts and our thoughts directly affect our lives is huge.

Be conscious of when the storm comes up in you, and be willing to experience it.

Once you can do that, take note of what triggers it. That will help you understand what makes your inner storm flare up so that later on, when it begins again, you'll know what's causing it and what actions can keep the storm from growing too big or staying too long.

And finally… don't try to fight against the storm! Fighting against your inner storm will only make matters worse because it will give your emotions more fuel for their fire.

Lastly, talking out your problems is immensely helpful, whether it be a friend or professional. It takes time, practice, and patience.


There is a difference between forgiveness and reconciliation.

Forgiveness says, “I am willing to work on stopping feeling angry and hurt by what you did to me.”

Reconciliation says, “I am willing to forget the past and move on as if nothing ever happened.”

Forgiveness can and should happen for one’s personal sense of peace. If you don’t forgive people, you will eventually fall into a state of bitterness that is incredibly hard to get out of.

Reconciliation should only happen once the other person turns to you and repents of their sins against you.


A tree is know by its fruit;a man by his deeds.A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship,and he who plants kindness gathers love.~ Saint Basil


The great sages and seers have tried to express the truth of God in varied ways. Some say He is personal, others say He is impersonal. Some say He is with form, others say He is without form. Some say He is endowed with divine attributes, others say He is attributeless.

Sri Ramakrishna, in the light of his own mystic experiences, resolved, in his simple way, all such contradictions. ‘Infinite is God and infinite are His expressions. He who lives continuously in the consciousness of God, and in this alone, knows Him in His true being. He knows Him as impersonal no less than as personal.’






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