Sunday 28 October 2007


Was Jesus white?

The traditional Image of Jesus
If we look at Christmas cards & stationery with Christian themes, the face of Jesus looking back at us has a pale skin, blue eyes, and often fair hair. This image of Jesus comes from the painter & sculptor Michelangelo (1475-1564) who used his lily-white cousin as the sitting model. Ever since, western Christians have reproduced this image or variants in their churches, picture cards and so on. White representations of Jesus continue to dominate Euro-American Christian culture. The suggestion that Jesus might have been dark-skinned (black in today’s racial taxonomy of the US or UK), makes most westerners uneasy. In addition, Adam & Eve, Moses, the Apostles and even God "himself" are depicted as fair-skinned folk, all of which can contribute to a white supremacist view of the world.

Novette Thompson, Methodist minister at Neasden church (in 1993) told Spare Rib in Jan 1993:
"Christianity began to change when it spread to the Greek & Roman world that was rooted in empire and a patriarchal structure. Then came the theologians who had a position of authority and interpreted the scriptures according to their world view... Those who were no in agreement with mainstream thinking were declared heretics.
"Jesus was no doubt African-Arabic... with Europe's immigration laws today, he would not be allowed in. Rome was the new coloniser and Greek influence was strong. Jesus came to be Europeanised."

The evidence for a dark Jesus
a) Biblical lore: Soon after Jesus was born, Herod is believed to have sent his soldiers to seek and kill him as an infant. To hide the Christ child, we are told his family fled with him to Egypt but pre-Arab Egypt was a society of dark-skinned Africans (as evidenced in their own hieroglyphs) and it would be folly to try hiding an Aryan baby there of all places. The land was referred to as Kemet (the Black land), for thousands of years, and themselves as "Kemetcu" (the black humans). The "father" of modern history, Herodotus, himself acknowledged as much when he said "the Egyptians, Colchians and Ethiopians have thick lips, broad nose, wooly hair and are of burnt skin." Elsewhere, he actually referred to them as "black”.

////////////////////BILL GATES AND WARREN BUFFET

////////////////////////Tortoise shapes evolved to avoid 'turning turtle'
Some turtles and tortoises have developed into a self-righting geometric shape that is both a life-saver and extremely rare in nature

////////////////////LT BRAINED=Asymmetry is absolutely essential in order to complete the complex tasks we take for granted. In a conversation with someone, the left brain will be processing the verbal language, while the right brain interprets tone and inflection. If you are asked to imagine a scene, the left brain will create the details, while the right brain handles the overall shapes, sizes and their spatial locations. Without both sides processing all of these details at once, we would never be able to function at the advanced level we do.
But there are also disadvantages to asymmetry. Certain tasks may be easier to execute on either the left or right side of your body. The left side of the human face tends to be more expressive because it is controlled by the right hemisphere. Most people are right-handed because the left brain is usually dominant. According to Bisazza and Dadda, the aforementioned fish will tend to guard one side of their body over the other and as a result their predators will tend to approach them from the unguarded side.



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