Thursday 4 October 2007


////////////10K STEPS A DAY=5MILES A DAY

///////////////Walking Steps Equivalents 1 mile = 2100 average steps. 1 block = 200 average steps 10 minutes of walking = 1200 steps on average

Accumulating 10,000 steps (about five miles) a day is recommended as a healthy threshold by many experts, but accurately measuring those steps with a pedometer can be tricky. According to research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM), a pedometer costing less than £1 overestimated the number of steps taken by as much as 1,034%. A study of 973 Stepping Meter pedometers found only a quarter gave measurements within an "acceptable" 10% margin of error, while threequarters over or underestimated by more than 10%. Most of the invalid devices overestimated rather than underestimated how much exercise someone had done. How much to spend: Dr Kristien De Cocker of Ghent University in Belgium, who carried out the BJSM study, says that pedometers costing around £14 should be accurate. Best Buy: Timex SE021 pedometer (£15.99;

////////////////////How Many Steps per Day?
How many steps do you take per day? How many should you take?
6000 Pedometer Steps for HealthRob Sweetgall of Creative Walking, Inc. points to the Harvard Alumni Study that showed walking even 1 mile a day reduced death rates. The most benefit came at approximately 6000 steps per day. For most people, that is the equivalent of walking for an hour a day. These can be accumulated steps throughout the day rather than one long walk.
10,000 Steps for Weight ManagementMany people already get in 3000 or more steps just with daily activity, and are still gaining unwanted weight. To burn off extra calories for weight loss, walk 10,000 steps per day most days of the week.

Step Length: The distance from the heel print of one foot to the heel print of the other foot. This is the distance traveled forward by a single leg.
Stride Length: This can mean the same thing as step length, or it can mean the distance traveled by the heel of one foot to the next time that same foot strikes down - in other words, two steps, since in that time the other foot has also touched down once. If you set your pedometer for your step length and discover it seems to be halving your distance, read the instructions again - it may want the stride length, which is two steps. Also the reverse - if you at first thought the pedometer needed the stride length but you seem to be getting double the distance, read again as they may have really wanted the step length.


Estimate by Height These are rough estimates, but useful to check your results by the other methods: Females: Your height x .413 equals your stride length Males: Your height x .415 equals your stride length

eg 6FTX0.415=2.4 FT=1 STRIDE=2 STEPS

SO 1 STEP=1.2 FT=14 IN=35 CM

5 MI=8KM=8000M=800000CM=23000 STEPS?

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