Monday 15 October 2012


///////////////////A twitchy eyelid can be caused by lack of sleep, stress, and too much caffeine

///////////////////Logic is a domain of philosophy concerned with rational criteria that applies to argumentation. This includes argumentation within ordinary language, consistent reasoning, valid argumentation, errors in reasoning

/////////////////////BRWSR..........Charlie Munger, on investing
"Investing is where you find a few great companies and then sit on your ass"

////////////////////ICS IN ASTHMA REDUCE ADULT HT

///////////////  FELIX BAUMGARTEN- 24 MILE FROM SPACE!!!

“Biological systems are almost always more complex than you think – even when you allow for the fact that they are more complex than you think”

/////////////////////Psychologists call this the 'illusion of transparency'. It's the idea that we feel our emotions are transparent to others when in fact they are not, or at least not as much as we think.

/////////////////////////.......Use pain as a teacher.
Cato’s early Stoic training was as hard and uncompromising as he hoped to become. He walked around Rome in unusual clothing with the goal of getting people to laugh at him. He learned to subsist on a poor man’s rations. He went barefoot and bareheaded in heat and rain. He learned how to endure sickness in perfect silence.
What was the point? Pain and difficulty could build endurance and self-control. Cato was drilling himself to become indifferent to all things outside the magic circle of the conscience

/////////////////////////Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.


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