Sunday 7 October 2012


/////////////////////During pregnancy, a mother and fetus exchange cells and DNA, some of which remains long after birth. The process, which scientists call microchimerism, has been observed in many tissues and organs of the body. Until now, however, they weren't sure if those cells could make it past the blood-brain barrier — a separate circulatory system between the brain and spinal cord, and the rest of the body — and into women's brains.

/////////////////////.........One paradox of good fiction is that it centers on sadness. If fiction gives us pleasure, then why are we drawn towards what’s gravely unpleasant? Think about classics in the Western cannon. Romeo and Juliet ends with a double suicide; Anna Karenina throws herself in front of an oncoming train; in versions of Goethe’s Faust the Devil carries the protagonist off to hell; Santiago returns empty handed in The Old Man and the Sea.


/////////////////////////,,..........Biologically, anxiety and motivation are very similar – both are boosted when our bodies release hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. 


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