Saturday 27 October 2012


///////////////////CNMA - JOE KIDD-INOLA

///////////////////BG THNK-In a study of 80,000 British citizens, led by Dartmouth's Daniel Blanchflower, it was discovered that those who described themselves as being highly satisfied with their lives also tended to eat more vegetables on a daily basis. "Those who consumed eight or more servings of vegetables daily rated themselves 0.27 points happier, on average, than those who had no servings to speak of. The effect was strongest for those who ate seven servings of produce daily." Similar results were found in a study done by Blanchflower's students involving American participants.

////////////////////////////.......that correlation does not equal causality. It's not clear whether happier people eat more veggies, or whether eating veggies makes people happier.

///////////////////////////////////ASSOCN IS NOT CAUSALITY

///////////////////////////////............lonely people have less grey matter in a part of the brain associated with decoding eye gaze and other social cues

///////////////////////////////...........In Sardinia, a cultural attitude that celebrated the elderly kept them engaged in the community and in extended-family homes until they were in their 100s. Studies have linked early retirement among some workers in industrialized economies to reduced life expectancy.

///////////////////////////Unlike the stress that results from an overbooked schedule, poor families cannot take a vacation from being poor

////////////////////////////Male graduates hit peak pay at 48. Broadly speaking, men in their forties have it easier.

///////////////////////////..........typically happened after 40, when people realised that their disappointing lives wouldn’t improve. 



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