Wednesday 17 October 2012


//////////////////////children with congenital hypothyroidism (CH), especially those with severe CH, are still at risk for motor and cognitive problems, which are probably due to the consequence of the prenatal hypothyroid state or the thyroid hormone deficiency in early life.

/////////////////////////////KHN ACDMY=Currently Indians are the third-largest group of site users, behind Canadians and Americans.

////////////////////// Fire toxic friends.

////////////////When both good and bad things happen you don't usually want it all on the same day. It's better to spread out both pain and pleasure—the pain so you can recover and the pleasure so you can savour it.

////////////////////Italo Calvino, on classics
"A classic is a work which persists as a background noise even when a present that is totally incompatible with it holds sway"

//////////////////////Mount Sinai Medical Center suggests that being extremely sensitive to stress may increase your susceptibility to depression. At least in mice. Mice whose immune systems responded to stress by overproducing an inflammatory compound called interleukin-6 were more likely to become depressed.

///////////////////////ALL ABT THE INFLAMMATORY STORM



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