Monday 29 October 2012


/////////////////curiosity or suspicion

////////////////SANDY THE PRFCT STORM

////////////////DOWN TREES

"What music is to the spirit, reading is to the mind"

Bob Marley
“Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I’m not perfect, and I don’t live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure you hands are clean.”

//////////////////////////////// We found that people's satisfaction with life was directly impacted by their daily physical activity," said Jaclyn Maher, graduate student in kinesiology. 

//////////////////////////////BRDRLN PERSNLTY DSRDR=Being a borderline feels like eternal hell. Nothing less. Pain, anger, confusion, hurt, never knowing how I'm gonna feel from one minute to the next. Hurting because I hurt those who I love. Feeling misunderstood. Analyzing everything. Nothing gives me pleasure. Once in a great while I will get 'too happy' and then anxious because of that. Then I self-medicate with alcohol. Then I physically hurt myself. Then I feel guilty because of that. Shame. Wanting to die but not being able to kill myself because I'd feel too much guilt for those I'd hurt, and then feeling angry about that so I cut myself or O.D. to make all the feelings go away. Stress!

////////////////////////////HINDSIGHT BIAS=In what psychologists call hindsight bias, many people will swear they predicted the results of events like next week’s election, even if they did not.

//////////////////////////////Some studies suggest that people born in the spring and summer are more susceptible to the disease, which is triggered by gluten in wheat, barley and rye.CELIAC DISEASE


////////////////////////////////////EVERYODY HURTS-REM 1992

////////////////////////////Six months of omega-3 PUFA supplementation led to significant gains in working memory in a group of high-functioning young adults; the mechanisms remain unclear.

/////////////////////////////////The Bhola Cyclone is the deadliest tropical cyclone on record. It hit Bangladesh (East Pakistan at the time) and India's West Bengal on November 12, 1970 and it killed between 300,000 and 500,000 people—exact numbers aren't known—when its surge flooded the low lying islands in the Ganges Delta. It was a massive Category 3 storm with winds that reached upwards of 115 mph.

////////////////////////////////As fetal testosterone washes over the developing brain, it enhances visual and spatial perception, and builds the capacity for deep but relatively few interests and a keen understanding of “rule-based systems,” from mechanics to computers, math, engineering, or music.

/////////////////////////////////THATCHER EFFECT

//////////////////////////////////MISSIN EYEBROWS OF MONA LISA

//////////////////////////VALIDITY =CLOSER TO TRUTH

//////////////////////////////climate change and global warming will make vector-borne diseases like dengue and malaria – already causing havoc in the country more lethal.

////////////////////////////LET ME AGREE

///////////////////////////EVEN THISS WILL PASS-BBTBR

/////////////////////////////asimov=Non-chemists will pronounce it "union-ized", he said -- and chemists will pronounce it "un-ionized."

//////////////////////////////SLF RELIABLE PLODDER=In a new study of African elephants, researchers have identified four distinct characters that are prevalent with a herd – the leaders, the gentle giants, the playful rogues and the reliable plodders.



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