Monday 27 July 2020


In the “ghosts” that I’ve seen in my lifetime, I’ve seen people from various centuries, including a fellow who died just prior to my seeing him. I can only answer this question from the perspective of my personal experience. I can tell you that in the research, there are no such things as “ghosts” - rather they are just people no longer on the planet that feel the need to hang out here for awhile longer. So when you come across a “ghost” inhabiting a location, try to remember they were “here first.”
In terms of my own experience, let’s see, there was an Iroquois warrior I met in Camden Maine, who woke me from a slumber. He was dressed in full battle dress, blood dripping down his arms, holding a hatchet and an axe and screaming something at me - which I assumed meant “wake up and get out!” (I slept with the lights on, tv on, fans on, radio on for a week. Didn’t bother me again).
I had a fellow who used to show up in my old apt who had died a few years earlier. I asked him to stop waking me up. He did, but one day a neighbor came running into my apt. as she was brushing her teeth and saw him standing behind her. I said “Oh, that’s the guy who used to live here, he won’t bug you if you ask him not to.”
I was staying in a villa in Florence and was visited by what I can only describe as a German soldier - he was in uniform, casually chatting about liking the villa. I found out later that indeed Germans had occupied the villa during WWII.
I was in Sydney staying at a film director’s home in Darlinghurst, when I awoke to see a guy hanging by a noose across the room from a rafter. Startled, I sat up - and he saw me and said in an Aussie accent; “Oh, sorry, it’s just something I feel the need to do.” I saw that he was dressed like a painter, and then a ladder appeared beneath him and he descended, pulling the rope with him. When he got to the floor he and the ladder and rope disappeared. Later, I asked my friend who her ghost was. She looked at me like I was nuts. I described him. She said “Well, the guy who painted our house did hang himself, but in his own house not far from here.” I said “He must like your house because he’s still hanging around.”
Ghosts are just people who are still here for some reason. You can be afraid of them, you can be not afraid of them. You can ignore them or you can suggest that they “go home” where the “light is, because thats where everyone who ever loved you is currently residing.” (This is accurate based on my decade of research into the topic.)
We need a new word for “ghost” - as it is just a portion of their conscious energy that is remaining behind. The other portion of their conscious energy is “always back home” but for some reason (as the Aussie pointed out, it just made him feel better to be doing it) they’ve decided to stick around. You can talk to them - they’re often startled that you acknowledge their existence, because they’ve spent a good amount of it being ignored by people walking by them. Occasionally an animal will spot them and bark, or a small child - but it’s not exactly interaction.
In the book “Backstage Pass to the Flipside” we spoke to film critic Roger Ebert who said that he spends a good deal of time visiting Cannes during the film festivals now - seeing what’s going on. I asked if anyone spotted him roaming the festival grounds. He said “Only animals and small children.” Ghosts are people too.
So the answer to your question is a bit more complex based on the research. Yes, some of us have been cavemen. But in general, at some point after “haunting” or hanging around, we do go “into the light” which is “back home.” (Their term.) So think of it as being outside of time - what we think of as 2000 years may seem like a few weeks to them. But it’s likely Mr. Caveman has returned home and chosen his next incarnation. So then he might come back as someone else in another century. He can appear as a caveman if he likes, people tend to “appear” as they like to see themselves, in the energy pattern or frequency they once inhabited. If this paragraph sounds loopy or complex, I can only say that it’s based on my research and books (“Flipside” “Its a Wonderful Afterlife” “Hacking the Afterlife” etc.)
But your question points to a larger concept; if you could poll the ghosts that are out there and ask them “so why have you appeared in this century in this fashion? What’s the point of that visual or experience?” They can tell you. You can use a medium to ask, or you might do deep hypnosis to access that information, or I’ve found some success with just asking someone who has “seen” the ghost. “Can I ask the ghost a direct question? What are you doing here?” And the answers I get are surprising.

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