July 30, 2020

Happy Birthday, Baghdad. Today you are 1,258 (a figure we’ll return to later). In the midsummer furnace of 30 July 762, a date considered auspicious by the royal astrologers, the Abbasid caliph Al Mansur, supreme leader of the Islamic world, offered up a prayer to Allah and laid the first ceremonial brick of his new capital on the Tigris river. “Now, with the blessings of God, build on!” he ordered the assembled workers.
And build on they did. It took them four back-breaking years, slogging away in the fiercest summer temperatures of Iraq, to complete the job, and by 766, it was done. Mansur’s city was an architectural marvel from the start. “They say that no other round city is known in all the regions of the world,” wrote Al Khatib al Baghdadi, the eleventh-century author of the comprehensive History of Baghdad.

And this is the power of the wisdom codes. In their presence, we are changed. When we speak the words, either out loud or silently to ourselves, something shifts within us. And that “something” is where the power of words, chemistry, and neurons converge in a beautiful way. We associate the words of the codes with the meaning we give to the words. This association directs our brain cells (neurons) to connect in a precise way that harmonizes our biology with the energy of our emotions. Chemically, we are no longer the same person we were only moments or hours before. And it’s that difference that opens the door to new ways of thinking, feeling, and acting when it comes to our losses, fears, and betrayals.