Wednesday 12 May 2021




Heaviest Element in Terms of Atomic Weight

The heaviest element in terms of heaviest per a given number of atoms is the element with the highest atomic weight. This is the element with the largest number of protons, which is presently element 118, oganesson or ununoctium. When a heavier element is discovered (e.g., element 120), then that will become the new heaviest element. Ununoctium is the heaviest element, but it is man-made. The heaviest naturally-occurring element is uranium (atomic number 92, atomic weight 238.0289).


"Now my body is dead. They will carry this body, motionless, to the cremation ground and burn it. But do I really die with this body? Am I merely this body? My body is now motionless. But still I know my name. I remember my parents, uncles, brothers, friends and all others. It means that I have a knowledge of my individuality. If so, the "I" in me is not merely my body; it is a deathless spirit."

The Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, "Ramana Maharshi and His Philosophy of Existence"


Death of the Ego, the Near Death Experience (NDE), or the Out-of-Body Experience (OBE) very often has a major role in various accounts of Awakening experiences. Although seemingly discounted on the surface in the majority of Enlightenment traditions, it is not totally overlooked is just not emphasized as a key proponent. Even so, blatent as it may be in some experiences such as that of the Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi in the quote below, on a more quiet level, the concept is still weaved throughout the works of many, just carried quietly with more of an innate, non-syntax, gut-level grasp than anything else.


"I could distinctly feel his (that is, Death's) clasp and his shivering and hear his words of lamentation and understand their meaning. I also saw the discoloration of my skin and felt the stoppage of my circulation and breathing and the increased chilliness of the extremities of my body. My usual current of awareness still continued in that state also. I was not in the least afraid and felt no sadness at the condition of the body. I had sat down near the rock in my usual posture and closed my eyes and was not leaning against the rock. The body, left without circulation or respiration, still maintained that position. This state continued for some ten or fifteen minutes. Then a shock passed suddenly through the body and circulation revived with enormous force, and breathing also, and the body perspired from every pore. The colour of life reappeared on the skin."



The more you pay attention to how your ego reacts to life, the more ridiculous its thoughts, feelings, and actions will look to you. Eventually, all you will want to do in response is to laugh. :)



We think we have freewill. But if you observe closely, the choices we make out of the so called free will are influenced by our own previous intentions. Whatever situation we have created out of our own intentions controls us. Our own free will binds us; so when we exercise our decisions, those decisions are based on the web of intentions we have in our mind, which were previously created by our free will in the first place.




Buddha said,

When the sun has just come up, early on a clear fresh morning, a morning after rain, the sun shines through a crack in the door or perhaps a crack in the wall, and it displays the fine bits of dust bobbing up and down in space, moving all around in the sunshine. If the sun doesn’t shine in the crack, you can’t see the dust, although there is actually a lot of dust everywhere. But while the dust moves, bobbing up and down, space is still.


Don’t Take your Life Personally’ 


There was an old woman, said by Ramana and others to have been a "spirit" of the mountain, who somehow knew or sensed the Bhagavan had "died" twice before, having had, as mentioned above, a major death experience in 1896 at age 17 that transformed his Awareness to the Abosolute. He then had his second, much deeper death experience in 1912. Sometime afterwards Ramana was roaming around OFF the trails of the holy mountain Arunachala as he often did in those days when the old woman he passed asked him point blank why he wandered so and not just sit quiet. In that he was dead, she implies, why was he not put on the funeral pyre! From that day forward Sri Bhagavan gave up roaming the hillside, limiting his walks to Pradakshina, circumambulation of the holy hill, or climbing to the summit


For instance, when one undergoes a Near Death Experience and beholds a Jesus or a Nanak or an Angel in the middle of the light at the end of a long, dark tunnel, it is NOT the esteemed figure who is himself orchestrating the encounter. Rather it is the neophyte who is projecting the sacred personage on to the light from his/her own biological and cultural history.


ASo, one thing is established here: A huge part of our lives is shaped by our own intentions. And it is indeed true that we are bound by our own intentions. The influence that our own past intentions have on our current intentions and the experience of life is karma.


"The light may well indeed be a transcultural phenomenon, part and parcel of a higher order of awareness or merely a neurological event, but the interpretation of who resides in that light (Is it Jesus? Is it Nanak? Is it my uncle Joe?) is entirely a personal affair, shaded by the nuances of an individual's sojourn for tens of years on a planet we call Earth."


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