Saturday 22 May 2021






Let us say I like to go to a movie and I like the experience of watching the movie. The movie was entertaining and the experience was pleasant. Since I was rewarded with great experience, I would like to watch a movie again this weekend. If I keep doing this again and again, I develop a tendency or a habit to watch movies. I now have a movie vasana.





All cells in our body need glucose as their main source of energy. If you eat too much fruit, you can "overfeed" the body so much that the cells feel "full", while adipose tissue always opens its "gate" and releases as much glucose as a person eats.

The World Health Organization recommends eating at least two servings of fruit a day.

What is one serving?

1 small apple = 1 serving

1 large banana = 1 serving

1 large orange = 1 serving

1 cup blueberries (about 90 berries) = 1 serving

32 grapes (raisins) = 1 serving

1 large peach = 1 serving

1 medium pear = 1 serving

About 8 Large Strawberries = 1 Serving

1 cup pineapple chunks (half a medium pineapple) = 1 serving

¼ part of melon (one glass of chopped melon) = 1 serving

1 cup chopped mango = 1 serving

1 medium grapefruit = 1 serving

By the color of the fruit, you can even exactly find out what useful elements it is enriched with.

  • For example, green fruits (kiwi, lime, pears, green apples) contain calcium, as well as the plant compounds lutein and indole, which help to strengthen vision, bones, and teeth.
  • Pomegranate, strawberry, cherry, sweet cherry and other red fruits contain two main pigments: lycopene and anthocyanin. Lycopene slows down the development of atherosclerosis and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Anthocyanin, in turn, has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes visual acuity, and prevents obesity and diabetes.
  • Orange fruits (peaches, pineapple, sea buckthorn, citrus fruits) help support heart, vision, and the immune system through alpha and beta carotene.
  • Purple fruits (plums, blueberries, blackberries, dark grapes) have a similar color due to the content of plant compounds such as anthocyanin and resveratrol. Resveratrol is a substance that prevents aging, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and also lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

Money is everything. Everything needs money.
Most people are a problem themselves but don't want to accept that they are the problem.
  1. Trauma makes a person mature.
  2. People who have had the an easy life are emotionally bloody weak. They don't know the real world & cannot accept it when they have to face reality.
  3. Rich people think that they must be respected just because they are rich & have money.
  4. Money cannot buy you happiness but it buys you food, a nice place to live & stay, easy access to healthcare, dental care & an easy life.
  5. Most people live in la-la land.
  6. Age does not make you mature.
  7. Respect is earned not demanded.
  8. Most rich people lose their wealth to their children & so on.
  9. No one can handle the truth.
  10. Help is the most thing that people ask for.
  11. A degree does not make you smart. You only paid for it yet you didn't learn anything from it.
  12. Life is your biggest teacher & lesson & exam. Most people fail in it. It is not always their fault, it is often caused by other people.
  13. Love is a rarity.
  14. Most human beings are shallow. Men or Women.
  15. Money cannot buy you taste, class, dignity, self respect, real respect, common sense, logic, class, intelligence or character.
  16. We all die (emotionally first) before we die (physically).
  17. Animals are better if brought up properly & treated properly as well.
  18. There is no happy endings.
  19. Time does not heal (all) wounds.
  20. It is difficult to deal, talk to or handle sensitive people. They absolutely don't have emotional strength, stability or intelligence. Most not all.
  21. Life is unfair.
  22. People complicate matters.
  23. Most people are emotionally weak.


Coffee. Drink at least 4 cups per day and not only do you decrease your risk of type two diabetes, but you reduce the long term damage to that fatty liver. Fatty liver is not benign. We expect a big increase in cirrhosis and liver failure due to increases in prevalence of obesity. Coffee can mitigate that somewhat.

But really, it is not so much what you add to your diet that will protect you, it is what you take away. Take away empty calories, and that is very protective.

What calories are empty?

1-Any calories that you DRINK are empty. Stop all fruit juice. Stop all sweetened beverages, including artificially sweetened beverages. Stop all booze. Stop adding sugar to tea and coffee. Drink water, milk, unsweetened coffee and teas.

2-All processed carbs are empty calories. This is white flour, white bread, white rice, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, dessert foods, candies.

3-All “bad fats” which are opaque or solid at room temperature, like meat fat, shortening, margarine, etc.

4-All calories above what you require to maintain your ideal body weight. If you are a woman with a job that isn’t very physical, chances are you need a lot fewer calories than you think.

As you replace empty calories with lots of fruits, veggies, lean meats, nuts, and whole grains, your diet will be naturally rich in superfoods.

PRO tip: start a food diary. Calculate all you eat for one week. Figure out how well you are already doing, and also what your weak areas are. Then you can target a problem area.

Can you get off insulin? Very possible, depending on how long you have had DM2. Insulin causes hunger and weight gain. Your doctor now has access to newer diabetes meds that help you lose weight. Combines with the empty calorie elimination diet, you may even go into remission. Ask your PCP about next steps.


Image source: Healthy Olive Oil - Medical Articles by Dr. Ray

In the past it was thought that the monounsaturated fatty acids in olive oil would be the reason why it is protective of the heart. However, newer studies have shown that it is the polyphenols and among these in particular hydroxytyrosol that lower blood pressure and protect you from hardening of the arteries.

In a 2012 study from Spain it was found that mortality from heart attacks was 44% lower than that of a control group who did not incorporate olive oil in their diet.

How polyphenols in olive oil work for you

Only two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil per day protect you from heart disease. It does so by reducing the total cholesterol level in the blood as well as the LDL cholesterol level. At the same time the more polyphenol is contained in olive oil (such as in extra virgin olive oil), the more HDL your body will produce, which is essential to extract oxidized LDL from arterial plaque. On top of that polyphenol rich olive oil will increase the size of the HDL particles (these larger particles are called HDL2), which are more efficient in extracting oxidized LDL from arterial plaques. A Sept. 2014 study in humans showed that higher polyphenol olive oil as found in extra virgin olive oil caused an increase in the more effective HDL2 particles, which cleans out plaques from arteries more efficiently than the regular, cheaper olive oil.

Endothelial function

The endothelium is the lining of the arteries. Normal endothelial functioning involves widening of the arteries and maintaining its flexibility. The body achieves this through production of a signal molecule, called nitric oxide; the endothelial cells that line our arteries from inside produce it. Exercise increases the production of nitric oxide as well (Ref.1).

In a group of patients with poor endothelial function 2 tablespoons of olive oil (polyphenol rich) per day given over 4 months (the time of the study) showed a significant improvement of endothelial function.

The authors suggested that an enzyme in the endothelial cells, called nitric oxide synthase is being stimulated by components of polyphenol-rich olive oil. This leads to protracted release of nitric oxide, which in turn keeps blood vessels flexible and wide open. Other investigators found that olive oil can influence even a hereditary gene variant of endothelial nitric oxide synthase found in people with a history of premature heart attacks. This high-risk group of people should take extra virgin olive oil regularly to prevent premature heart attacks and strokes.

Endothelial dysfunction occurs when the arteries no longer can deliver adequate amounts of blood to vital organs like the heart or the brain. Endothelial dysfunction is also present in patients with type 2 diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and metabolic syndrome. Introducing extra virgin olive oil in the diet of these patients will help restore their endothelial function.

Lowering blood pressure

In a study on 23 hypertensive patients it was shown as far back as in 2000 that extra virgin olive oil over 6 months allowed physicians to reduce high blood pressure medications by 48%. When the study was crossed over, the reverse was the case for the control group on sunflower oil that had no such effect before.

Based on what was said about endothelial function above, it is easy to understand that the polyphenols of olive oil released nitric oxide, which is known to lower blood pressure. This is an important finding as high blood pressure is a known risk factor for the development of hardening of the coronary arteries leading to heart attacks, congestive heart failure, but also stroke. Regular intake of 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil often will reverse high blood pressure and restore normal endothelial function.

Preventing heart attacks and strokes

In April of 2013 The New England Journal of Medicine published a Spanish diet study that showed that a participants on a Mediterranean diet with olive oil or nuts had 30% less heart attacks over 5 years than people on a low fat control diet. Other studies have also shown that olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids play a big role in preventing heart attacks and strokes. We also know that regular exercise reduces the risk further; so does keeping your body mass index below 25.0. Extra virgin olive oil is part of the protection from heart attacks and strokes, but it did not show protection against cancer.


It is a simple fact that incorporating 2 tablespoons of virgin olive oil in your daily food intake will definitely have all of the beneficial effects described above. It is readily available, is inexpensive and very effective. It is also not difficult to work into your eating routine: add olive oil and vinegar or lemon juice to your salads, and cook with olive oil. If you have not totaled 30 grams (2 tablespoons), then make up the difference by eating an extra teaspoon full of olive oil. This is not all! You need to cut down on processed foods as they are made with the wrong oils, such as safflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil and others. These are usually omega-6 containing oils that cause heart attacks and strokes. They are cheap oils use by food processors, and they are not doing anything for your health!

I would suggest that you read more about the powerful role of prevention that extra virgin olive oil has in our diet. Buy it and stick to it as a new healthy lifestyle habit. Two tablespoons a day is the weapon against disease!


Ref.1. Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2015, chapter 10 Heart Disease. By Thomas M. Bashore, MD; Christopher B. Granger, MD; Kevin Jackson, MD; Manesh R. Patel, MD: Heart Disease. Lange, 2015.

The above was previously published here: Healthy Olive Oil - Medical Articles by Dr. Ray






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