Sunday 2 May 2021






Psychologists say that people have a stable level of happiness that we maintain throughout our lives. Any negative or positive things that happen in our lives may decrease or increase the level of happiness temporarily but we always tend to return to this stable level of happiness. No matter how much money you make or how popular you become, there is not going to be a permanent gain in the level of happiness. But this level of happiness that we maintain is not something that gives us 100% satisfaction. So, we tend to do things to increase this level but return to the same old baseline happiness level again and again. Psychologists call this as hedonic treadmill.




 karmic mechanism is ceaseless. Every mental uctuation in you creates a chemical reaction, which then proceeds to provoke a physical sensation. is sensation, in turn, reinforces the chemical reaction, which then strengthens the mental uctuation. Over time, your very chemistry is determined by a series of unconscious reactions to sensory and mental stimuli


In terms of the essence of the ultimate goal, Buddha and Shiva are the same.



Self-as-Context (Pure Awareness) In everyday language, we talk about the “mind” without recognizing that there are two distinct elements to it: the thinking self and the observing self. We’re all very familiar with the thinking self: that part of us which is always thinking—generating thoughts, beliefs, memories, judgments, fantasies, plans, and so on. But most people are unfamiliar with the observing self: the aspect of us that is aware of whatever we’re thinking, feeling, sensing, or doing in any moment. Another term for it is “pure awareness.” In ACT, the technical term is self-as-context. For example, as you go through life, your body changes, your thoughts change, your feelings change, your roles change, but the “you” that’s able to notice or observe all those things never changes. It’s the same “you” that’s been there your whole life. With clients, we generally refer to it as “the observing self” rather than use the technical term “self-as-context.” Harris, Russ, 1938 - ACT made simple



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