Saturday 17 November 2012



////////////////////////////The world is three days: As for yesterday it has vanished along with all that was in it. As for tomorrow you may never see it. As for today, it is yours, so work on it.                          ~ Basri

///////////////////////////AESTHETIC MEASURE= ORDER/ COMPLEXITY

BUDDHISM EMPHASIZES non-attachment as a "way of liberation."

//////////////////////////MDRAISER=Human beings get attached to ideas — ideas about who they are, what's the best way to live, ideas about what other people should be like, and so on — and our attachment to those ideas causes most of our day-to-day suffering.

//////////////////////////If someone hits you, it is the punch that causes the pain. But suffering or unhappiness can be caused by your own thoughts about the person who hit you long after the pain from the punch has gone away

/////////////////////////////////Those people spending years meditating in Zen monasteries for ten hours a day are doing what? They're learning to catch themselves attaching to an idea and they are learning to detach. That's it. That's all they're doing. Do it enough and you're enlightened.


///////////////////////////////You can also do it when you meditate. As you begin repeating your mantra or paying attention to your breath, your mind will wander. Your mind will drift to another subject, and you won't want to come back to the "boring" task of thinking a mantra. This is why meditation is good practice in non-attachment, because to do something boring, you have to become unattached to the ideas about boredom, suffering, discomfort, entertainment, what's interesting, and so on.

////////////////////////////What idea am I clinging to?

///////////////////////////////DHAMMAPAD=The craving of a person who lives heedlessly
 Grows like a maluva creeper.
 He moves from beyond to beyond,
 Like a monkey, in a forest, wishing for fruit.

/////////////////////////////GRF AS A CRAVING

//////////////////////////////ADRIFT=DEPRIVATION="deprivation seems a strange sort of gift. I find food in a couple hours of fishing each day, and I seek shelter in a rubber tent. How unnecessarily complicated my past life seems. For the first time, I clearly see a vast difference between human needs and human wants. Before this voyage, I always had what I needed — food, shelter, clothing, and companionship — yet I was often dissatisfied when I didn't get everything I wanted, when people didn't meet my expectations, when a goal was thwarted, or when I couldn't acquire some material goody. My plight has given me a strange kind of wealth, the most important kind. I value each moment that is not spent in pain, desperation, hunger, thirst, or loneliness."

/////////////////////////////////The wanting created their unhappiness.

/////////////////////////////Get your mind interested in something else. Your mind is in some ways like a little kid. Have you ever seen what parents do when little Johnny wants to chew on the tablecloth?"

///////////////////////////"He who is ever brooding over the result, often loses nerve in the performance of duty. He becomes impatient and then gives vent to anger and begins to do unworthy things; he jumps from action to action, never remaining faithful to any. He who broods over results is like a man given to the objects of the senses; he is ever distracted, he says good-bye to all scruples, everything is right in his estimation and he therefore resorts to means fair and foul to attain his end."

 Gandhi is saying that not only does a lack of clinging not hinder accomplishment, it actually makes you more effective!

Living in areas of high air pollution can lead to decreased cognitive function in older adults, according to new research

/////////////////////probability of an intelligent civilization occupying the specific and short time since the Big Bang that would overlap our specific and short time interval of 100 years.

/////////////////////////Perhaps alien civilizations regard radio communication as primitive. They may be frantically signaling us using technology we haven't even dreamt of, wondering if there's any intelligent life here.

/////////////////////////////The units are in terms of life of the Universe, so a civilization that lasts 13,600 years survives 1 millionth of the life of the Universe. Therefore the chance that it is around *right now* is one in a million.

//////////////////////////////////sciam=Dark energy is weird. As Katie Mack said on her blog earlier this year:

 It’s difficult to express to a non-physicist just how weird dark energy is, because most people are used to encountering things that they don’t understand in physics, and they generally assume that someone else is on top of the situation. That’s not the case with dark energy.

/////////////////////////////the interpretation of “dark energy” and cosmic acceleration as simply resulting from gravitational backreaction in an inhomogeneous cosmos

//////////////////////////////if matter (gravitation) had dominated universal development their would have been no expansion. That the universe initially expanded requires some energy that dominated any gravitational effects that might have opposed expansion.

///////////////////////////////.........While the accretion of matter is generally thought to be the product of some material self-attraction, I suggest that gravitation is not a property of matter at all, but rather a property of spacetime.

//////////////////////////////panama canal = WORLDS GREATEST ENGG PROJECT

///////////////////////////// study in Brain, based on the most comprehensive  collection of post-mortem images compiled to date, shows that Einstein’s cerebral cortex, responsible for higher-level mental processes, differs much more dramatically than previously thought from that of your Everyman of average intelligence. The paper, in fact, publishes for the first time the “road map” to the father of relativity’s brain, photographs that image 240 blocks of dissected tissue from the autopsy performed at the University of Pennsylvania by Thomas Harvey............For instance, Einstein had extraordinary prefrontal cortices, right behind the forehead, which revealed an intricate pattern of convolutions.

findings was that segments of the parietal lobes were highly asymmetrical. Sandra Witelson’s earlier study of Einstein’s brain  correctly noted that parietal lobes are important for mathematical and visuospatial abilities, which has since been confirmed in functional imaging studies.

/////////////////////////OAZI DRS NAMES IN MED- REITER S, CLARA CELLS









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