Monday 19 November 2012


/////////////////////////////The Well of Grief

Those who will not slip beneath
the still surface on the well of grief

turning down to its black water
to the place that we can not breathe

///////////////////////"Why am I?", gave birth to humanity and it will be "the last why"; thus life.

//////////////////////////disgruntled idealists, naysayers, skeptics, bitter romantics, class clowns -- enlightened misfits in all their infinite variety.

//////////////////////////////HILTON QDDINGTON- BRONCH ACADEMY

/////////////////////////////Kids who are placed in daycare often have a fifty percent higher chance of becoming obese than children who stay home with their parents, claims a study from researchers at the University of Montreal and the CHU Sainte-Justine-Hospital Research Center, published in the Journal of Pediatrics.

///////////////////////////TELLY GRF HZA


///////////////////////////100.4 °F is equal to 38°C

////////////////////////////HAPPINESS U CURVE


/////////////////////////////// PRNTS

 Just be thankful for everyday you do have. Save the grieving for after they DTH

////////////////////////// Kids who start swimming at a young age achieve several milestones in areas of cognitive, physical, and language development earlier than the normal population.

///////////////////////////////A mother who experiences influenza or prolonged fever while pregnant may increase the risk for autism in her child.

///////////////////////////////For 75% of children with frequent headaches, a retrospective review showed unchanged visual exams compared with baseline.

///////////////////////////////Statins Linked to Reduced Cancer Death

//////////////////////////t that exercise is the best medicine we have

//////////////////////////// exercise was a bigger factor than body weight in many cases. People who were normal weight but were inactive actually lived an average of 3.1 fewer years than obese people who kept up high levels of activity. 

 Finding time to exercise can be tough. Maybe look at it this way. There are almost 9,000 hours in a year. Five hours a week is 260 hours a year—to get an extra 30,000 hours of life. Do the math. While you take a walk.

/////////////////////////////Poorly resolved grief has many causes. Its origins are often in childhood. We may have had parents who were unable to grieve normally, and were unable to be good models for healthy grieving. We may have received explicit or covert messages from our families or culture that expressions of grief were unacceptable. If adults did not talk to us after a loss, we were left with the message, Grieve alone. We may have suffered traumatic events that made it impossible for us to have normal emotional functioning. Not only are we then left with unresolved feelings about the losses of childhood and adolescence, but we carry poor grieving patterns with us into adulthood.


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