Sunday 25 November 2012


////////////////////THE U CURVE OF APPINESS


///////////////////////MIND AND TIMES OF V WOOLF


/////////////////Kin selection. Scientists speculate that altruism may be maintained if the genes producing it help a genetic relative and hence give an advantage to those altruistic genes. The same could be true of homosexuality. Insofar as homosexuals have been freed from investing time and energy in their own reproduction, perhaps they are able to help their relatives rear offspring, to the ultimate evolutionary benefit of any homosexuality-promoting genes present in those children.

///////////////////////PROVING HERSELF TO HER DD PRNTS

////////////////////////BLOOMSBURY GROUP

//////////////////////////////Our minds naturally and quite spontaneously tend to fixate on the negative and overlook the positive — under normal circumstance, and especially under stress.

///////////////////////////GARDEN SHED=LODGE

///////////////////////////Your mind stops meandering and sticks on the negative thought because negative thoughts fixate attention with more stickiness than positive or neutral thoughts. We get caught in the worried or angry thought, and it doesn't pass by like a neutral thought might. We naturally, and even against our will, give threatening information extra attention.

/////////////////////////////WHAT KIND OF SUN - ANGRY OR KINDLY


//////////////////////////////////The mistakes our brains tend to make (like overgeneralizing) are the inevitable secondary results of our great intelligence.

////////////////////////////////UNHAPPY IN THIS QUIETNESS

///////////////////////////THE LOUDNESS AND JOLT OF LNDN cf RCHMND

////////////////////////////SINGULARLY UNTIDY MIND

/////////////////////////////The biography and genealogy of Adeline¹s children, the six "Pattle
 sisters", among whom the Victorian photographer Julia Margaret Cameron
 (one of Virginia Woolf & Vanessa Bell¹s great aunts) was the most
 famous, have already been published.
 It has been conjectured that Pattle sisters¹ beauty came from their
 Indian blood, through Thérèse Josèphe Blin de Grincourt.
 I was curious to know more about this possible Indian origin and
 eventually found that Adeline de l¹Etang, and consequently, Julia
 Margaret Cameron, Vanessa Bell and Virginia Woolf had indeed an Indian
 ancestor. This Indian ancestor was actually a Bengalee woman called
 Maria Monica or Marie Monique. Her French marriage act says she was
 "de caste gentille" i.e. her religion was originally Hinduism.

///////////////////////////ABSORBED IN HER OWN THOUGHTS


//////////////////////////1/2 MN ENG WORDS

///////////////////////////WORDS LIVE IN MIND NOT IN DICTIONARY

///////////////////////////"A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction."


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