Sunday 4 November 2012



////////////////////////...........time dissociation described by cannabinoid users may result in part from altered circadian clock function and/or entrainment to environmental time cues.

////////////////////////GD AND THE LIMBIC SYSTEM= 'temporal lobe epilepsy' or some rare form of 'limbic system seizure disorder'.

/////////////////////DARWINISM OR WALLACISM

///////////////////LAUGHTER- EMOTIONAL AND CONSCIOUS="Emotional" laughter appears to be very ancient-- preceeding even language-- because apes will also make a distinct pant-grunt when they tickle each other. This ancient form might be a way of communicating safety or group cohesion. The other types of laughter, called "conscious laughter"-- anything from nervous laughing to Dr. Evil's cackle--involve different areas of the brain and might have a completely different evolutionary function.

//////////////////////...........STRESS, NOREPINEPHRINE AND PROPRANOLOL

A few patients with pseudocyesis even test positive on pregnancy tests, said Dr. Paul Paulman, a family practitioner at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.
“Every sign and symptom of pregnancy has been recorded in these patients except for three: You don’t hear heart tones from the fetus, you don’t see the fetus on ultrasound, and you don’t get a delivery,” Dr. Paulman said.


//////////////////////////WIKI-Qualia  is a term used in philosophy to refer to individual instances of subjective, conscious experience. The term derives from a Latin word meaning for "what sort" or "what kind." Examples of qualia are the pain of a headache, the taste of wine, the experience of taking a recreational drug, or the perceived redness of an evening sky. Daniel Dennett writes that qualia is "an unfamiliar term for something that could not be more familiar to each of us: the ways things seem to us."[1] Erwin Schrödinger, the famous physicist, had this counter-materialist take: "The sensation of colour cannot be accounted for by the physicist's objective picture of light-waves. Could the physiologist account for it, if he had fuller knowledge than he has of the processes in the retina and the nervous processes set up by them in the optical nerve bundles and in the brain? I do not think so.

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////............The septal/preoptic-anterior hypothalamic area has been previously indicated as involved in attachment-related behaviors in other species but only now have we been able to show the existence of a neural signature of human affiliative experience," says Dr Ricardo de Oliveira-Souza, who also participated in the study.

Akinetic mutism is a medical term describing patients tending neither to move (akinesia) nor speak (mutism). It is the result of severe frontal lobe injury in which the pattern of inhibitory control is one of increasing passivity and gradually decreasing speech and motion.
An example of a cause of this disorder is an olfactory groove meningioma. It is also seen in the final stages of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (a rare degenerative brain disease), and in acute cases of encephalitis lethargica. It can also occur in a stroke that affects both anterior cerebral artery territories. Another cause is neurotoxicity due to drugs such as Tacrolimus and Cyclosporine.
Another cause of both akinesia and mutism is ablation of the cingulate gyrus. Destruction of the cingulate gyrus has been used in the treatment of psychosis. Such lesions result in akinesia, mutism, apathy, and indifference to painful stimuli.[1] The Anterior cingulate cortex is thought to supply a "global energizing factor" that stimulates decision making.[2] When the Anterior cingulate cortex is damaged it will create akinetic mutism.WIKI

/////////////////////////////MAYAN RED QUEEN=Red Queen, a Classic Maya dignitary discovered in Temple XIII at Palenque, Mexico, by comparing her reconstructed facial profile to the portraiture of known female personages from the site.

///////////////////////////// VISION AND SENSE OF GRANDEUR

////////////////////////////NADO BRVMNT=talking will help to stop the 'looping' of the trauma so that you can cherish your memories.

In folk songs, for instance, when a person "turns their face to the wall", the image is of someone turning in their bed, and facing the wall. They are withdrawing from life and preparing to die. Usually this is because of a broken heart, folk songs being what they are.

///////////////////////////GRF AS FEAR= EMPTINESS LEFT BEHIND

///////////////////////////..........“has been fatally imbued with the idea that solitude is a particularly desirable and noble condition. . . . that solitude brings people closer to their innermost selves” (The Science of Happiness, 2006).

/////////////////////////GRF=says Klein; “it’s loneliness, more than any other factor, that causes stress. It’s a burden on both mind and body. It results in restlessness, confusion in thought and feeling (caused by stress hormones), and a weakening of the immune system. In isolation, people become sad and sick.”

//////////////////////////..........Thomas Meuser, associate professor of neurology at Washington University, and Samuel J. Marwit, professor of psychology at the University of Missouri, state that “grief is our innate adjustment process to loss and, when ignored or downplayed, can result in complications such as depression and other co-morbidities.” Poets, though well known for their depression and its “co-morbidities,” have been telling us this for centuries. William Cowper insisted that “grief is itself a medicine,” 

/////////////////////////////////////////............Measurements have confirmed that even a brisk ten-minute walk can help to lift mood and dispel gloom for a few hours. More vigorous and regular exercise produces bigger and longer-lasting improvements in mood and vitality. . . . There is good evidence that exercise reduces anxiety and helps to cope with stress. It even provides relief in some cases of mild depression” (Making Happy People,2006). 


Stressed people fall into habits and their behaviour is not goal-directed. That the neurotransmitter norepinephrine plays a decisive role here is now reported in the Journal of Neuroscience by scientists from Bochum led by Dr. Lars Schwabe (RUB Faculty of Psychology). If the effect of norepinephrine is stopped by beta blockers, the stress effect does not occur. "The results may be important for addictive behaviours, where stress is a key risk factor" said Schwabe. "They are characterised by ingrained routines and habits."

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In evolutionary terms, the brain's ability to remember a fear or trauma response has been crucial to our long term survival.

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In evolutionary terms, the brain's ability to remember a fear or trauma response has been crucial to our long term survival.

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