Sunday 18 November 2012


//////////////////                        “It is right in your face.                         This moment,                         the whole thing is handed to you.” — Zen master Yuanwu                         (1063-1135)                       

//////////////////////                        “…A word to the wise                                                 is sufficient.”                                                 —Cervantes

//////////////////////////(“advaita”: not two),


//////////////////////So, at the level of the most basic reality, the subject—I—and the object—tree—are the same thing: an aspect (although different in appearance) of the Absolute. This applies to every subject and every object: all are, at their essence, the same, one thing.


 fatigue during exercise is associated with elevated brain tryptophan and serotonin synthesis.

//////////////////////As with exposure to bright light, there has been a large change in the level of vigorous physical exercise experienced since humans were hunter-gatherers or engaged primarily in agriculture.68 Lambert68 argued that the decline in vigorous physical exercise and, in particular, in effort-based rewards may contribute to the high level of depression in today's society.

///////////////////////////Although it is true that bananas contain serotonin, it does not cross the blood–brain barrier.

/////////////////////////////“The observer (subject, which is That) is the observed (object—any not-me thing, whether formed or formless—which is also That).”

//////////////////////////////Dreams yield to it, and the waking state gives way to it (as, for example, when we are anesthetized); it is the vital, underlying screen upon which our dream and waking images are enabled. Therefore, it can be said to be the source of our I-dominated perceptions, both in dreams and waking behavior.

/////////////////////////////MINDFUL AWARENESS=To be willing to relinquish all, from moment to moment, is to abdicate the future. When you are no longer inclined or impelled toward some future moment, you have come to a standstill (in terms of temporal reckoning). This private standstill is indicative or representative of surrender of the personal will. It is out of this emptiness which a revived spirit embraces and possesses our being.

/////////////////////////Who is the self that is animate in all “selves” and says “I exist” in all consciousness? When you’ve discovered the source of your real identity, you’ve discovered the source of “your mind” and “its thoughts”—the source of “everyone’s” mind and “everyone’s” thoughts.

//////////////////////////////While you are reading this, a galactic bombardment of subatomic particles—the virtually massless neutrino—is passing through your body. Not just through your body, but through the core of the earth, out the other side and on through any other material it encounters. Though unseen, unfelt, unbeknown and unexperienced, this invasional radiation is your continual lifetime reality.

/////////////////////////When you cling to anything, you cannot be “free”.

Robert Wolfe (2009-08-02). Living Nonduality

////////////////////////////“Do I (the supposed possessor of the mind) exist?”

/////////////////////////////Clinging to associations with our memorable past—good, bad or indifferent—is one of the attachments we would wisely relinquish. The conception of a personable “self” which trajects from a past into a future is one of the basic misperceptions which enlightened sages decry repeatedly. The past is dead; the future is unborn.

///////////////////////////DTH=there is one outcome of life which concludes with certainty: physical death. And we can determine, from the experience of others, that our death may be so sudden that the event may not even be cognized; or, there may be an indeterminate window of time—from seconds, to minutes, to hours—when the event may be recognized to be impending; or, even, there may be a developmental process—over a period of days, weeks or months—when we can expect that its resolution might end with our demise.

///////////////////////////////Their order in the natural course of life—allegorically in fable, poem or song—has suggested a “white period” from birth to adulthood, a “red period” of family and career activity through midlife, and a period of blackening, banked embers as the heat of physical life subsides.

//////////////////////////////In the individual human experience, the transition (from the innocent white to the vibrant red and subsequently to the sober black period) is bracketed by birth at one extreme, and death at the other.

//////////////////////////Dissatisfaction with the existing condition is the hallmark of what Buddha called “suffering”; the anguish or agony—or conflict—of not being where we’d prefer to be.

Robert Wolfe

/////////////////////////////"I put a piece of paper under my pillow, and when I could not sleep I wrote in the dark." Henry David Thoreau

////////////////////////////////INTROSPECTIVE CONTEMPLATION

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