Thursday 22 November 2012


/////////////////////CONDOMINIUM, PANDEMONIUM

//////////////////////If there is to be any peace, it will come through being, not having.                   - Henry Miller

////////////////////O K DHAR

/////////////////////BG THNK= 20th century angst: the more we learn about the universe, the more we realize how insignificant we are.

//////////////////////////Life, I'm sure, is quite rare.

/////////////////////////////////Patients who had a complication while in the hospital were more likely to have a complication after discharge than those without an inpatient complication (12.5 percent versus about 6 percent), according to the study in the November issue of the journal Archives of Surgery.

//////////////////////////////epipen method forgotten in 3 mo=I do this at every visit. I ask them how to use it and then I ask them to teach another person, whether it's a sibling, parent, one of my residents or, if nobody is there, me. I ask them to explain what they are doing at each step and to explain the rationale and the significance of what they are doing," said Dr. Purser, who was not involved in the study.

////////////////////////////Chocolate consumption tracks well with the number of Nobel Laureates produced by a country.


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