Saturday 5 January 2013


//////////////////The Expensive Tissue Hypothesis . Back in the early 1990s, scientists were looking to explain how brain size evolves. Brains are exceedingly useful organs; more brain cells allows for more behavioral flexibility, better control of larger bodies, and, of course, intelligence. But if bigger brains were always better, every animal would have them. Thus, scientists reasoned, there must be a downside. The hypothesis suggests that while brains are great and all, their extreme energetic cost limits their size and tempers their growth. When it comes to humans, for example, though our brains are only 2% of our bodies, they take up a whopping 20% of our energy requirements. And you have to wonder: with all that energy being used by our brains, what body parts have paid the price? The hypothesis suggested our guts took the hit, but that intelligence made for more efficient foraging and hunting, thus overcoming the obstacle.


//////////////////////A new study suggests that most babies are best left to self-soothe and allowed fall back to sleep unaided. Learning how to self-soothe is a vital skill in learning how to develop good sleeping patterns during infancy, the authors explained

//////////////////////GRATITUDE is an ATTITUDE....the humility of acknowledging what others have done for us. A famous policeman once said, " The greatest cause of crime is that idea that the world owes me a living!" gratitude and lots of blame or excuses.

////////////////////// New research reveals that newborn babies are able to tell the difference between their native language and foreign languages within hours of birth. The finding, which will soon be published in the journal Acta Paediatrica, indicates that babies begin picking up language while they are still in the womb

/////////////////////////// Using an endotracheal stylet did not significantly improve the success rate of pediatric trainees at neonatal orotracheal intubation.

///////////////////////// Early iron supplementation of marginally LBW infants does not affect cognitive functions at 3.5 years of age but significantly reduces the prevalence of behavioral problems. The study suggests a causal relation between infant iron deficiency and later behavioral problems.

/////////////////////////////exercise induced wheeze= EIW may contribute to the disparities in urgent medical visits for asthma between high- and low-income neighborhoods. Physicians caring for asthmatics should consider EIW an indicator of risk for urgent medical visits.

////////////////////////VIT D = IRON TRADEOFF= There is a trade-off between increasing 25-hydroxyvitamin D and decreasing serum ferritin with increasing milk intake. Two cups of cow’s milk per day appears sufficient to maintain healthy vitamin D and iron stores for most children. Wintertime vitamin D supplementation was particularly important among children with darker skin pigmentation.

///////////////////////////// Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent in overweight and obese children. The particularly high prevalence in severely obese and minority children suggests that targeted screening and treatment guidance is needed.

///////////////////////OSTEOARTICULAR INFECTIONS BY MRI= Detection of K kingae DNA in oropharyngeal swabs of children with clinical findings of OAI is predictive of K kingae OAI. If these findings are replicated in other settings, detection of K kingae by oropharyngeal swab PCR could improve the recognition of OAI.

////////////////////////// unrecognized situation awareness failures events (UNSAFE)

//////////////////////////////////////  Pew Research Centre shows that Christianity continues to be the largest religion in the world, with its adherents comprising 32 percent of the world’s population. Christians are also geographically dispersed; while the second-largest group, Muslims, make up the majority in 49 countries, and the third-largest group, Hindus, is the majority only in India, Nepal and Mauritius, Christians are the majority in 157 countries.

///////////////////////////////////// Parents who lose one baby from a multiple pregnancy struggle to grieve and yet bond with their surviving child. 

////////////////////////////////sciam= The tsunami of Indonesia 2004 and Japan 2011 showed that they are a common element associated with earthquakes. Modern databases list more than 2.000 tsunami events worldwide in the last 4.000 years, most of them recorded in historic documents, chronicles and even myths - and yet tsunami deposits in the geological record seem to be relatively rare.


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