Monday 7 January 2013



////////////////BEATING LONG ODDS


///////////////////COME IN OR COMING - UNDRSSD



////////////////PSYCHOPATHS=Dutton found individuals who were often more rational than sane people. The neurological reasoning behind this, he says, is that the brains of psychopaths are less active in regions that regulate emotions.

/////////////////////// "A psychopath's rapacious proclivity to live in the moment, to 'give tomorrow the slip and take today on a joyride', is well documented—and at times can be stupendously beneficial. In fact, anchoring your thoughts unswervingly in the present is a discipline that psychopathy and spiritual enlightenment have in common."

///////////////////////////BG THNK="Our ability to communicate relies primarily on the use of verbal and writing skills, which are then lost when cognitive skills decline. But, creative arts like music or painting can bypass the 'verbal pathways' and access other pathways that become available for communication. ... Dementia preferentially attacks the frontal and temporal parts of the brain at first, only involving the "artistic" parietal and occipital lobes later in the disease."

////////////////////////////ALZH PRNT=MELTING AWAY BEFORE GONE="We find ourselves mistakenly believing that our relative who suffers from Alzheimer's is no longer capable of experiencing joy or communicating their emotions, so we define them by their disease rather than by who they are in their now. Expressive arts therapies incorporate a wide range of opportunities for people to communicate, including music, art, drama, poetry, and storytelling. The expressive arts offer a new channel of communication and increase people's ability to tell their story."

///////////////////////////////23 YRS SINCE ANJUS

////////////////////////////////INFINITE WILLPOWER= Instead, according to a 2010 study at Stanford University, belief in your own willpower makes it a stable fixture. In the study, "only people who believed that willpower was limited (according to an initial questionnaire) showed evidence of depleted willpower in tests of self-control given after a mentally challenging lab task. Subjects who believed that willpower was unlimited did just as well on follow-up self-control tasks as control subjects facing the task fresh."

"Give yourself reasons to believe, despite the sorry statistics and even your own track record. Think back on the many challenges you have mastered, especially when you stumbled along the way. If your goal is important enough to you, chances are you can achieve it, and a little more faith in your willpower could help." 

////////////////////////Schopenhauer wrote "A man can surely do what he will to do,but he cannot determine what he will.

//////////////////////But willpower or not it must be in the confines of fact and reality, or does someone who believes he can fly with only his bodily functions with no help fom Cienfuegos and its machines, fly, I think not. 

////////////////////////////I DONT EAT TOO MUCH=When participants framed a refusal as “I don't” (for instance, “I don't eat sugar”) instead of “I can't,” they were more successful at resisting the desire to eat unhealthy foods or skip the gym. Study author Vanessa Patrick, professor of marketing at the University of Houston C. T. Bauer College of Business, says, “I believe that an effective route to self-regulation is by managing one's desire for the temptation, instead of relying solely on willpower.” She also believes that deprivation is an ineffective route to self-control. “Saying ‘I can't’ connotes deprivation, while saying ‘I don't’ makes us feel empowered and better able to resist temptation.

///////////////////////////A bird listening to birdsong may experience some of the same emotions as a human listening to music, suggests a new study on white-throated sparrows, published in Frontiers of Evolutionary Neuroscience.

///////////////////////////ZN HBT=do not engage in confrontations with anyone, in-person or online. This is a waste of time and energy. If I have caused harm, I apologize and fix the situation. However, if someone simply doesn’t like something I have done or something that I do or disagrees with me, that is fine, but I’m not going to get into an argument about it. For any confrontation-like situation, I simply take a deep breath, relax, breathe out, and re-focus my efforts back on my work and goals.


///////////////////////“I will always keep the child within me alive.” – Frank McKinney

///////////////////////////////“One must never miss an opportunity of quoting things by others which are always more interesting than those one thinks up oneself,” de Botton quotes the novelist in Proust

////////////////////////////THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH 1952 CNMA......MERA NAAM JKR   

/////////////////////////////F FIESTA, V CORSA 1, 2 BESTSELLING VK

/////////////////////////ANOTHER PULSE OF RAIN

///////////////////////////BDDHISM IS OBSERVING= Wright says the goal of such gatherings is not to seek happiness: "Rather, you should just observe things. Observe your breath, your sensations, your emotions, sounds, whatever. And, as you observe these things, you're not supposed to make value judgments." In examining your emotions, the point is to recognize them as fact, which is neither good nor bad. 

////////////////////////////SELF- DISTANCING=
The process of examining your feelings without exalting or condemning them is known as self-distancing and it works by neutralizing emotions which can cause pain. What surprised Wright is the kind of warmth that results from a cooler examination of how one feels: "Maybe, though in theory you're distancing yourself equally from positive and negative emotions as you meditate, you're actually cheating, and doing selective distancing. Or maybe a feeling of affinity--with our environment, with other creatures--is a kind of default state, and we revert to it when more transient and superficial feelings, both negative and positive, are stripped away."

/////////////////////////WR IS LST RESORT

//////////////////////////////SUFFRING= PHYSICAL/ MENTAL

  1. suffering of suffering 
  2. suffering of change 
  3. all-pervasive suffering of conditioning

//////////////////////////The suffering of suffering or blatant suffering includes all the miseries of the lower realms, as well as the sufferings of birth, old age, sickness and death in the higher realms, and also separation from what we hold dear, having to encounter what is undesirable, and not achieving what we want even after pursuing it.

////////////////SUTRA=“What is the suffering upon suffering? It is that which is painful when arising, painful when remaining, and pleasant when changing.”

//////////////////////////Buddhist meditation teachers counsel a kind of detachment that should in theory leave you neither happy nor sad.


The suffering of change means that no matter where we find ourselves, whether in this world system or any other, even if we are in the higher realms, and no matter how seemingly pleasurable and attractive our dwelling place, physical body or sensory enjoyments, our situation can not possibly remain as it is, but is bound to change, because of not being beyond the laws of impermanence.

////////////////////SUTRA=“The suffering of change is that which is pleasant when arising, pleasant when remaining, but painful when ceasing.”

////////////////////////life feeds on paradoxes, is understood by paradoxes.

//////////////////////////// ALL PERVASIVE SUFFERING OF CONDITIONING=The suffering of being conditioned refers to all experience that is bound up with the ordinary psycho-physical aggregates, or skandhas. No matter whether we are experiencing temporary pleasure or suffering, or even a neutral state, we are always setting ourselves up for future suffering. Why? Because our present skandhas are direct causes for our future skandhas, which will be the supports for suffering in the future.

/////////////////////////// Buddha said:
“The suffering of being conditioned is not apparent when it arises, remains or ceases, but it is still the cause of suffering.” 
////////////////////////BLINK="Most of us take between 15 and 20 such moments of downtime per minute, and scientists have observed that most blinking takes place near or at the point of an 'implicit stop'": If we're reading or listening to a person speak, we will blink at the end of sentence. During a film, we blink when an actor enters or leaves the room. 
/////////////////////////........... brain regions collectively known as the 'Default Mode Network' temporarily power up. This idle setting of the brain was discovered less than a decade ago and becomes active when concentration is not needed for specific activities like listening and reading. While our brain idles, our thoughts are more given to wandering: "We contemplate our feelings; we wonder what a friend meant by a recent comment; we consider something we did last week, or imagine what we'll do tomorrow." The mental breaks that occur when we blink can last from a split second to a few seconds before attention is fully restored. 
/////////////////////SELF DISTANCING=, Ohio State researchers recommend taking concrete steps to help yourself feel better about an unfortunate event. One technique known as self-distancing can help you to cope by "mentally moving away from the situation and watching it at a distance, as if it had happened to someone else." In an experiment where subjects were purposefully frustrated by experimenters, those who practiced self-distancing responded with less aggression as the experiment progressed. 
///////////////////////////////AA= ANGR ANXTY
Exercise is terrific outlet for anxiety 
///////////////////////don't seem to be able to distance myself from man's inhumanity to man and animal. I think I survive the outrage and depression because I express myself on-line a lot and find "tons" of physical things that I need to do.
//////////////////////////// try this method of meditation: sit back for 10-15 minutes and hummmm as slow as possible at the lowest frequency you can hum, and keep doing that. Twice I've done this and fallen asleep, the other time I just felt really good
/////////////////////////////EMPATHY, KINSHIP, RECIPROCAL ALTRUISM= social decisions and empathy-like processes may have been favored during evolution in primates to allow altruistic behaviour. "This may have evolved originally to promote being nice to family, since they share genes, and later friends, for reciprocal benefits," says Michael Platt

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