Thursday 24 January 2013


////////////////////Height is a classic polygenic quantitative trait with a high level of heritability. As it is a simple and stable parameter to measure, height is a model for both common, complex disorders and monogenic, Mendelian disease

/////////////////////////SNORING=ATHEROSCLEROSIS=Snoring may be more than a common bedtime nuisance, say researchers at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. According to their new study, snoring, even without sleep apnea, causes thickening and abnormalities the carotid artery - a potential precursor to atherosclerosis.

/////////////////////////// A toxo-infected person is more than twice as likely to be in a car accident—which Flegr attributes to the parasite's tendency to reduce reaction time—and has a higher than normal risk of developing schizophrenia. Other scientists have shown a connection between toxo and an increased risk of suicide.

/////////////////////////Doctors on average spend more than four years of their careers embroiled in lawsuits, and certain specialists, like neurosurgeons, average well over 10 years, according to a new report.

////////////////////////Scientists show how the  dung beetle will use the Milky Way's band of light in the night sky as a compass.

/////////////////////richest 1% of Americans now hold 25% of the country's wealth and more needs to be done to boost equality, says Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz in Davos.

/////////////////////////2050=A hypersonic "SpaceLiner" will whisk 50 passengers from Europe to Australia in 90 minutes by riding a rocket into Earth's upper atmosphere, reaching 24 times the speed of sound.


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