Tuesday 22 January 2013


///////////////////// developed narcolepsy after being immunized with the Pandemrix H1N1 swine flu vaccine

/////////////////////////VK BRMY 82K


/////////////////////////BARBARA  MCCLINTOCK


////////////////////////////When you sit down to eat a truly mindful meal, you will see far beyond the rim of the plate,” said Cheung. “Look closely at your salad, and you will see the farmer who planted the seeds, the rain and sunshine, the rich earth that nourished them as they grew. Mindful eating can help us approach the core Buddhist concept of ‘interbeing,’ the recognition that everything and everyone is interrelated. With this as our foundation, we realize that it is important to eat not only for our own health, but in a way that promotes the health of others around us, as well as the health of the planet.

///////////////////////////////Our culture is addicted to a way of life that we all know is unsustainable, and underneath "addiction" is a holding on to fixed and rigid narratives. In meditation practice, one of the things we all learn is to be able to see how stories operate and just see them – as stories, and how powerful it is to see that thoughts and narratives have no power other than what we invest in them.


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